Chapter Twenty Two

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‘Cody?’ I yelled down the phone. 

‘Lexi?’ He said in his sleepy voice. I looked at the clock. 


Poop, I woke him up.

‘Yeah, umm sorry! I’ll call back in the morning.’ I said.

‘Nah, it’s okay. I’m up.’ He giggled.

‘Oh, okay! I CAN GO TO AUSTRALIA!!’ I screeched down the phone.

‘What, seriously?!’ He said.

‘My mum said yes!’ I said, dancing around the room.

‘Oh my god aye!’ He said. His accent was so strong, it was also the first time I’d ever heard him say ‘Oh my god’ and ‘Aye.’ It was cute, I liked it.

‘Haha, I’m so excited!’ He said.

Oh my gosh, how lovely.

‘Me too!’ I said, yawning. I didn’t mean to, but it had only just hit me how tired I was, with the adrenaline rush and everything.

‘I’ll talk to you in the morning sweetie.’ He said, blowing me a kiss down the phone.

‘Night, I…’ I said before he hung up the phone, not giving me chance to finish my sentence. Bums.

I fell asleep almost instantly.

I woke up to three messages from Cody.

‘I have an idea for today. Text me when you’re up xo’ the first one read.

Oh wait, there’s one from Jake.

‘Morning, umm don’t tell Cody about last night please.’ 

Holy Moly.

How do I reply to that? Confrontation.

‘Why we’re you at my house anyway?’ I replied, hesitantly.

I heard nothing back.

‘Morning baby xo.’ I texted Cody.

‘Morning beautiful!’ He replied almost instantly.

‘What’s your idea?’ I texted back.

‘So, seeing as you can go to Aus with me, do you want to come over and FaceTime with my friend Giorgia? You know, so you’ve talked to her before you meet her? xo’ He replied.

Assess risk of making a fool out of myself- 90%.

Assess the chances of things going smoothly – 10%.

What the heck, you only live once.

‘Sure baby, that’d be nice! xo’ I sent.

‘Good! See you in a bit xo’ He replied.

I went in the shower and sat at the kitchen table with my cereal. It was only then that I noticed that my mother wasn’t around. Top daughter I am.

I saw a note on the fridge.

‘Hey sweetie. Sorry, had to go and coach an acting course today at the college, won’t be home until late. See you later, Love mum.’ The note read.

Even more reasons to go to Cody’s.

I buzzed the call box outside of Cody’s gate because it was locked. Cody answered.

‘Hey babe, it’s open.’ He said and I heard the gate lock click. I walked up the drive and was met by Cody at the front door.

‘Mum, Dad, Alli and Tom have gone out, if you were wondering why the gate was locked.’ He smiled.

‘Oh, anywhere nice?’ I smiled and giggled.

‘Food shopping I think, not my thing.’ He said, laughing.

He grabbed my hand and walked me to a room I’d never been to before. It was his front room, which was usually occupied by Tom watching Spongebob.

He sat on the couch and pulled his Mac onto his knee. Then he flicked the TV on. Spongebob came on the screen and Cody laughed

‘Tom.’ He muttered under his breath. I laughed and he stared at me.

‘Giorgia will be online soon, it’s quite late there!’ He said. He slipped his arm around my neck and I rested on his shoulder.

‘Cool, what’s she like?’ I smiled.

‘She’s one of my best friends! She’s really looking forward to meeting you! Well, face to face. Not through a laptop screen.’ He laughed.

He logged into his profile and his background appeared. It was a picture of us.

‘Aww that’s so sweet! Is that Disney Land?’ I said, beaming uncontrollably.

‘Yeah, it’s my favourite picture of us.’ He said.

He logged into FaceTime.

‘Ah, Giorgia’s on!’ He said. I sat up and he set his laptop on the table opposite us.

*Ring Ring*

‘Hey!’ A voice said, the picture hadn’t focused yet. She had a very strong Australian accent… she lives in Australia you idiot.

‘Hey Giorgia!’ Cody said. The picture focused and a stunning girl appeared on the screen.

‘Wow, she’s beautiful!’ I whispered to Cody.

He looked at me and smiled.

‘Not as beautiful as you.’ He winked.

‘How are you?’ Giorgia asked.

‘I’m fine thanks! This is Lexi!’ He said, smiling. He rotated his Mac to put me further into focus.

‘Hey!’ I said. How awkward am I? This again is rhetorical.

‘Hello, nice to, eeer, meet you I guess!’ She laughed.

‘Nice to meet you too.’ I laughed back.

I could tell already I liked her. She looked fun.

‘So, when are you coming over?’ She said.

‘We’re coming on Friday, until Monday.’ He said.

‘Is Alli coming?’ I heard another voice say. Another blonde haired beauty came into focus.

‘Hey Ruby. Err, no I don’t think so, she has an acting course to attend.’ He smiled.

‘Hey Rubes, say hi to Lexi!’ Giorgia said, gently punching her in the arm.

‘This is my sister, Ruby!’ She smiled.

‘It’s Rubes. Hey!’ She said, rubbing her arm where Giorgia had hit it. They looked so alike, and they were both gorgeous.

‘Hey!’ I said.

She ran off and Giorgia tutted.

‘Can’t sit still that girl.’ She muttered under her breath.

‘Is Jake coming with you guys?’ She asked.

Oh yeah, Jake.

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