Chapter Twelve

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Oh my holy cow. I’m not ready to say that! We’ve only been going out for about two weeks. Oh my cheese that is formed into balls that is also holy.

‘Umm, Thank you.’ I said awkwardly.

‘I… I (SAY IT GOD DAMNN WOMAN!) really really like you too!’ (YOU IDIOT!) I said even more awkwardly.

I saw him look at me oddly…

‘Thank you.’ He replied.

OH MY COULD THIS BE ANY MORE AWKWARD. WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY IT YOU ABSOLUTE BEANBAG? I mean I do love him, I do! I’m just not ready to tell him. People should know just how socially awkward I am.

Oh jesus what have I done?

I decided it was time to leave before I did something stupid…er.

‘Bye babe!’ I said, leaning over too give him a hug.

‘Oh,okay. Bye babe.’ He said, he looked a little taken aback.


Oh cheeseballs.

A week passed and Cody hadn’t even texted me. I texted him, but he never replied. *Insert Oh My what have I done face here* 


I decided to ring Cody, in hope that he’d answer. He did.


‘Hey, have you been avoiding me?’ I asked.

‘No babe, I’ve got some exciting news!’ He replied, sounding delighted.

‘Oooh, spill!’ I laughed.

‘I’m going on a worldwide tour!’ He blurted. I could imagine his face, smiling. It was lovely.

‘OH BABE (Since when have I started saying babe on a regular basis?) I’m so proud of you, that’s amazing! I’m coming over.’ I said, before hanging up. A little rude of me but I had to see him.

I practically ran to his house. I saw Mrs. Simpson outside with Tom.

‘Hey!’ She shouted. ‘You’re here to see Cody then?’ She laughed. She was as flawless as Alli. Tom was too busy playing catch with Buddy.

‘Yes! Can’t stop!’ I said. ‘Nice seeing you!’ 

‘You too!’ She laughed. I heard her laughing way up to the house.

‘THE DOORS OPEN!’ She yelled as I leaned forward to press the buzzer.

‘THANK YOU MRS.SIMPSON.’ I yelled back, bursting through the door.

Cody’s room was on the third floor. I ran past the kitchen, the games room, the pool and then Brad playing the guitar in what looked like a music room. 

‘Hi Mr Simpson!’ I said as I ran past.

‘Call me Brad!’ He yelled back.

I did a little backwards run to where he was.

‘Hello Brad!’ I said, smiling.

‘Well hello Lexi, I assume you’ve heard Cody’s news then?’ He said, putting his guitar back.

I nodded viciously, hopping about on the spot.

‘Go on!’ He said.

‘Thank you, nice seeing you!’ I puffed, only just realising how out of breath I was. But I continued to run up the next flight of stairs.

Passed Alli’s and Tom’s rooms, Alli’s walk in wardrobe, then Cody’s.

*Skids to a stop!*

I didn’t even knock! Which looking back was very rude, but I’m sure he didn’t mind.

I burst in and saw his sat on his bed. He stood up and I ran towards him, giving him the biggest hug I’ve ever given anybody in my entire life.

‘I’m so proud of you babe! Oh my word, I can’t wait, you’re going to have so much fun. Oh you have to remember to call me, EVERY night, promise?!’ I blurted at racing speed. I took a deep breath and he laughed.

‘Slow down!’ He said, in a very Australian accent, mind you I hadn’t heard his voice for a week.

‘Wait, there’s something else that I need to tell you!’ He said, anxiously.

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