Chapter Fourteen

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Cody’s phone started ringing. Drat.

‘It’s Matt!’ He said, seemingly oblivious to what I was just about to say.

‘Ohh, quick, answer!’ I said, trying to forget about it. I’d say it another time.

‘Hello Matt?’ Cody said.

‘Right now?’

‘Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can!’

‘Can I bring Lexi?

He hung up.

‘Um, I have to go to a signing at the mall. You can come if you want!’ He smiled.

‘Sure!’ I said, holding the hand that he’d reached out to me.

We got to the mall around 2pm. There were so many people. I couldn’t even put it into words. The signing was on the bottom floor and Cody’s management thought it would be safest to enter the mall from the second floor. 

I looked over the balcony and all you could see was people, they looked like a wave. This was amazing; although I was scared Cody would be trampled to the size of a flat pack box.

Oh my I just imagined it, I squeezed Cody’s arm. 

‘What’s up?’ He smiled, stepping away from the edge.

‘Oh. Nothing!’ I said, snapping out of my wild thought.

‘Okay, I’m going down in a minute. I think it will be safest if you stay up here, my angels can get a little crazy!’ He laughed. He really loves his fans, it’s so wonderful to see.

Boy I am one lucky girl.

About an hour later, the fans started to leave and Cody returned to the second floor.

He and Matt did one of those typical guy hugs, fist, slap on the back, release.

Then he walked over and hugged me. 

‘Well done babe! There were so many people!’ I smiled as I went to hug him.

‘Haha thanks sweetie. I think I went through about 3 sharpies! It’s crazy, I love it!’ He said.

‘So seeing as our date was ended sooner than expected, and they closed the mall for this, do you want to goshopping?’ He smiled.

‘Are you serious, you mean we have the whole mall to ourselves? Holy… moly!’ (I nearly said it, I nearly said cheeseballs.)

‘We do, so, you coming?’ He laughed, holding his hand out.

Boy, I am.

About three hours later, and around 100 shopping bags later, we both climbed into the limo.


I was sat lent on Cody, half falling asleep when Alli rang me.

‘Hey Alli!’ I said, trying to sound as awake as possible.

‘Hey, Madison and Jake are coming round tonight, and we’re going to have a Harry Potter fest, you up for it?’ She beamed, well I imagine anyway.

‘Sure!’ I said.

‘Great, see you there!’ She said, before hanging up. 

All nighter, here we come.

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