Chapter Five

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‘Sure! Anything!’ I replied, trying not to show my nervousness.

‘Why did you move to LA? I don’t mean that in a bad way, just curious.’ He said.

‘Nice save.’ I replied.

‘No, seriously.’ He said.


‘Well, I won’t go into a thousand details, but basically, I never knew my Dad. He died when I was very young. My mum never talks about it, so I can’t really tell you anyway. But my mum is a very talented actor, without it sounding like I’m gloating. She was offered a contract with an acting company; the same one Madison is signed to, which is how I know her. I know how much she wanted to take it; we didn’t really have a lot to keep us in England. I didn’t really want to move, being 13 I’d just settled in to my secondary school and I had friends, but I guess it was a fresh start really. We moved a week later.’ I felt myself tearing up, I don’t even know why really.

‘Do you regret it?’ He said.


‘I did, until I met you guys really! (Starts crying like a complete loser) Haha, sorry, I don’t even know why I’m crying. You’re the first person that I’ve ever really spoken too about it really.’ I sobbed.

Cody hugged me, and wiped my tears on his sleeve.

‘Thank you.’ He said.

‘What for?’ I said, with a confused look on my face. 

‘For opening up to me, you didn’t have to do that!’ he said. He was still hugging me.

‘Well, if I didn’t you would have bugged me wouldn’t you?!’ I laughed.

‘True. Haha! You’re a very beautiful girl Lexi.’ He said. He pushed me in front of him and held his arms on my shoulders.

‘Haha, next joke please!’ I said. You couldn’t cut the tension by driving into it with a truck it was that thick.

‘No, seriously! You’ll make a guy very happy one day.’ He smiled. I hugged him again, but just a short one. A hug to show that I appreciated that comment. Which I did, so much.

Alli, Madison and Jake ran up to us. Alli looked like she was about to collapse under the weight of all of her shopping bags.

In all honesty, I was glad they had arrived. It was getting awkward.

‘Hey, are you crying Lexi?’ Alli said, dropping her bags.

‘No.’ I lied.

‘You have mascara running down your face, you are a terrible liar.’ She said, laughing.

‘It’s nothing, really!’ I said in a very high pitched voice.

I saw her glance at Cody and he gave the ‘Don’t go there.’ look. She dropped it.

The limo ride back really tired me out. Me and Alli fell asleep, whilst Jake, Cody and Madison were laughing and joking about something. I was too tired to take notice.

We got back to Alli’s and Cody woke me up. As I sat up, I realised that I’d slept on Cody’s shoulder for the whole 3 hour ride. 

It was 11pm, far too late for me to go home and disturb my mum, but when I had regained my sight after rubbing my eyes a lot, I realised that they had dropped Madison off at her house. Then I remembered that she had a promotion event tomorrow, which my mum was going to, so I guess she needed to be at home.

I was so tired I couldn’t even stand. So, to make this day even more awkward, guess who carried me inside?

I know without even writing it that you’ve got it right.

Well, actually you got it wrong!

Jake carried me in; Cody carried Alli, who was still asleep. Boy that girl loves Disney Land!

I woke up quite late the next morning, around 10am, which is very late for me. I nudged Alli and she woke up.

‘How the… where am I?’ She said, all confused.

‘Home, in your bed. You slept right from the ride home until now!’ I said.

‘Oh, yeah. I remember now! Haha, I was so tired.’ She laughed. I noticed her accent sounded very strong again. I guess I hadn’t spoken to her for around 15 hours, that’s how quickly I ‘un-adjust’ to her voice!

Alli went in the shower and I went downstairs. I saw Cody alone at the counter eating cereal. I wasn’t planning on joining him, but he saw me so I guess I had to. I poured myself some cereal and stood next to him to eat it.

Silence, well, except for the munching of cereal.

‘Did you sleep okay?’ Cody asked.

‘Yes, I did thanks! How about you?’ I replied, shoving another spoon of cereal into my mouth.

‘Umm… It was okay! I had a lot of things on my mind.’ He said, also stuffing another spoon of cereal into his mouth.

‘Aww really!’ I said jokingly. ‘Like what?’

‘Nothing of any interest, really!’ He said, looking away.

‘C’mon!’ I said, punching him in the arm, a little harder than I’d expected to. I rubbed it after and apologised. 

‘No, seriously.’ He said.

There was only one thing to do to get it out of him. I stole his cereal and ran to the other side of the counter with it.

‘Give that back!’ He laughed.

‘Tell me, or you’ll have to come and get it!’ I said.

He stood up and ran to the other side of the counter and I shot across the kitchen. I was hoping this would make him tell me, I’m a lousy runner and he’d soon catch me. Damn.

I ran around the kitchen a couple of times but he caught me.

‘Wait!’ he said.

‘What!’ I yelled, in fear he’d tickle me or something. We were both laughing.

He leaned over slowly. Closer and closer to me.

Holy cheeseballs.

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