Chapter Twenty

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The sun was beaming down, but my anger levels had cooled down, although I was still pretty peeved off. I think the casual sing along with Cody had brightened my day up considerably. I just wanted to stand up and dance, the song ‘Better Together’ by Jack Johnson always has this effect on me. 

We were still sat in the Lifeguard Tower. Music was playing softly from my phone, whilst I rested on Cody. I must have been swaying to the music, because Cody told me to stand up. He jumped down from the tower and lifted me down.

‘What are you doing?’ I said, being dragged along the sand.

‘You were swaying, so we’re going to dance.’ He smiled, stopping in a sun- kissed spot.

‘Perfect.’ He said, pulling me closer.

He pulled both of my arms out to my sides, and did a jokey side to side rock. I laughed, and so did he. We continued to dance like this, even began moving from that spot and dancing along the sand.

‘There’s no combination of words I can put on the back of a postcard.’ He yelled, partially laughing. I didn’t care that people were staring.

‘No song that I could sing but I can try for your heart!’ I yelled.

This continued for the whole song, singing one line at a time, until the chorus, which we both sang together. It was amazing. We continued to dance like no one was watching.

The song ended and Cody hugged me. I hugged him back, really hard to let him know how much I appreciated how understanding he was being. I didn’t want to let go. 

I couldn’t put into words how much I wanted to go to Australia.

God why won’t my mother let me go? More a question said in anger than an actual question. I just couldn’t understand it, at all. 

We were in the middle of crazy dancing to more happy-go-lucky tunes, without a care in the world when my phone buzzed.

It was my mum.

No way am I answering this.

Cody looked at my phone.

‘Answer it.’ He said sternly.


Before I knew it Cody had leant over and pressed the ‘answer’ button.

Really dude?!

He smiled at me. A cheesy grin more than a smile.

‘Hello.’ I said bluntly, I am still not ready to talk to the woman.

‘Where are you?’ She said.

‘I’m with Cody, at the beach.’ I spat. ‘Why, am I not allowed to do this either?’

‘Lexi, don’t speak to me like that. You have to see it from my point of view.’ She said softly, which really made me mad. 

‘I can’t. How can you say you won’t let me go when you’ve never actually met them? You’ve never bothered to get to know them. Then God forbid they want to take me somewhere.’ I said angrily. I couldn’t believe I was saying this. I never speak to my mum like this and yet here I was abusing her for no reason. Well, there is a reason just, she doesn’t deserve it.

Cody was staring at me and I think he knew just how mad I was at myself.

‘Don’t be angry babe.’ He whispered.

‘Well actually, I’m going out for dinner with Mr and Mrs Simpson tonight, to give them a chance.’ She said bluntly.

Well done Lexi, you absolute boob.

‘Sorry.’ I said.

‘I want you home in an hour please.’ She said.

‘Okay.’ I replied, before hanging up.

‘So?’ Cody said. ‘What did she say?’

‘Just that she wants me home in an hour and she’s going to dinner with your parents tonight.’ I said.

‘Oh, does that mean she might let you come?’ He said excitedly.

Oh, I never thought of that! It was jumbled in the other thousand thoughts going through my head. 

‘Hey, maybe!’ I said, matching his enthusiasm.

‘Oh, maybe if I go home now, then she’ll know I ‘m sorry and might give me more of a chance!’ I said, bubbling over what was probably nothing.

‘Let’s do it, I’ll take you home.’ He smiled.

‘Haha, let us do this!’ I laughed.

He knelt down on the floor.

‘Piggy back? I run pretty fast!’ He said.

I climbed on his back and he jumped up. Like a typical girl I screamed, before wrapping my arms around him and holding tight. 

Boy he does run fast. He kept stopping to jump up a little bit.

‘You can put me down babe.’ I laughed.

He did.

‘Sorry.’ He laughed.

He grabbed my hand, and we ran all the way to my front door.

I kissed him goodbye and opened my front door. I saw him leave the drive and blow me a kiss before walking off in the direction of his house.

My mum was in the kitchen, getting ready for the night ahead.

‘You’re back early.’ She said whilst fumbling to do her dress up.

I walked behind her and zipped it up.

‘I’m really sorry Mum, I didn’t mean what I said. I was just disappointed.’ I said.

‘Well’ I’m really going to think about it, but I can’t guarantee I will say yes. It’s a lot to ask from me.’ She said.

I nodded and went to my room.

About an hour later, she called me downstairs.

‘I’m leaving now. I don’t know how long I’ll be. Your tea is in the oven.’ She said, leaning over to kiss me on the cheek.

‘You look very nice, have a good night.’ I said, giving her a hug.

‘Nice try. Love you.’ She said, before leaving the house.

Here goes the longest wait of my life.

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