Socially Awkward

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Chapter One

‘What about this one Lexi?’ Madison said, as she showed off the dress she was trying out to me.

‘It looks lovely! This is definitely the one.’ I replied.

‘It is isn’t it?’ She beamed. She looked stunning. I nodded.

We walked out of the shop and we were immediately met by a wave of paparazzi. Madison’s bodyguard ordered them away and Madison grabbed my hand before pulling me through. We both fell into the limousine. 


Madison and I became friends five years ago when I moved to LA. My mother works for the same acting agency that Madison is signed to and I met her at a promotion event one day, and I guess we just stayed friends. Tonight Madison had invited me to go to a friend’s party with her and I was so excited! 

About 3 hours before the party we started to get ready. We did each other’s hair and makeup and I painted Madison’s nails. Then it was time for the dresses!

My dress was a light blue mini dress, with black embellishments and it had a giant lace flower on the left side. My shoes were simple and plain black wedges that only added a few inches to my height.

Madison was wearing a gorgeous gold coloured maxi dress that was studded along the seams and scrunched up at one side. It was amazing. We grabbed our bags and jackets and headed for the limo.

We walked up the huge staircase that lead to the entrance of the venue, it looked like we were the first people here. Suddenly I heard a scream and the sound of high heels banging against a laminate floor. A girl in a black dress ran towards us.

‘ALLI!’ Madison yelled as she ran towards her. They both hugged before walking back over to me.

‘Lexi, this is Alli!’ Madison beamed.

‘Nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you!’ Alli said. She had a very strong Australian accent, and it sounded very soft. She smiled and I smiled back.

‘You too!’ I said. 

‘Come inside.’ Alli said as she gestured Madison and I inside. There were people making finishing touches everywhere, but it looked perfect.

‘Let me take your coats!’ She said and we gave her our coats. Her and Madison were talking, and they slowly moved towards what I assumed was the ‘coat closet’. I sat down at one of the tables and the room slowly started filling up with people. I saw Alli and Madison enter again and they were both greeting people one by one, taking their time with each person. I stood up to make my way towards Madison, but as I did so I tripped over a chair (I know, I know). Before I could fall, I was held back by somebody. I stood up properly and felt the grip around my wrist loosen. I turned around slowly to see who had caught me. I was met by the gaze of a blonde haired boy. He let out a little laugh and I laughed too,

‘Haha, thanks!’ I said.

‘No problem!’ He replied.

‘I’m Cody, by the way.’ 

Socially AwkwardWhere stories live. Discover now