Chapter Seventeen

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‘You’re getting it everywhere!’ Cody laughed.

He was right; I shouldn’t be trusted with a mixing bowl that contains liquid. 

‘Let me help you!’ He smiled, standing behind me and mixing it with me.

Opportunity spotted. I slid my hand in the flour that was on the counter whilst he wasn’t looking and lent back and stroked his face. 

‘Oi!’ He said, laughing.

‘That is payback for dumping me in the water at the beach.’ I said, running to the other side of the counter as I saw him wipe his hand through the flour.

‘Right.’ He said, flicking it in my face.

‘Gasp!’ I coughed.

This is WAR.

I dumped my hand in the bag that was next to me and walked over to Cody. He tried to walk away but I sprung on his back, before rubbing my hand in his face.

This continued for around fifteen minutes until we were both covered in what should have made breakfast.

We were both laughing when Cody picked me up and sat me on the counter. He leant up and kissed me. I don’t really know why he put me on the counter, but it was magical. Everything stopped in that moment.

He jumped up onto the counter and put his arm around me.

‘What am I going to do without you?’ He said, pulling my head onto his shoulder. I sighed, because in all honesty I didn’t know what I’d do without him.

‘Oh, I have a surprise for you!’ He said.

‘Really?’ I said… surprised.

‘Yeah, but I’ll give you it later… maybe.’ He said teasingly.


‘So, what do you want to do today babe?’ He smiled, jumping down from the counter and holding his hand out to me. I grabbed it and jumped down, still covered in flour.

‘Umm… You choose!’ I said.

‘Okay… I know. Get your swimwear, and meet me here at 11?’ He smiled.

‘Sure!’ I said. 

‘Good, I’ll see you here.’ He said, giving me a hug before running off.

I ran home and grabbed a shower to remove the flour off of my face. Yeah, it turned to a paste as soon as I hit the water but it eventually all went away. I was debating whether or not to leave it on as a face mask and scare Cody but then I realised just how horrific it looked.

I put on one of my bikinis before throwing some shorts and a top on over the top. I couldn’t believe how warm it was today, it was lovely. I really wanted to know where we were going, I’d figured the swimming part, but the rest was left to my imagination.

It was 10:45am and I started walking to Cody’s. The sun was scorching, and I was surprised I wasn’t a mess by the time I got there.

‘See you later.’ I heard Cody yell as he closed the front door. He opened the gate and greeted me.

‘You look beautiful.’ He smiled, leaning over to kiss me.

‘Thank you babe. But I’ve only put some old clothes on!’ I laughed, a bit taken aback.

‘Still look perfect!’ He said, grabbing my hand.

We went on a route that I’d never taken before. He was obviously trying to fool me. I tried hard to think where we might be going but I didn’t guess. 

We soon stopped at a small hut that faced out to the beach. He unlocked the door and took me inside.

‘Close your eyes!’ He said.

I heard him click a light switch before grabbing something of what I assumed was a shelf. He put whatever it was down and repeated himself.

‘Can I open them yet?’ I smiled.

‘Not yet, grab my hand!’ He said, before locking the door behind him and carrying whatever he was carrying. Well, I assume that’s what he was doing; I was momentarily blinded by my eyelids.

I felt sand falling into my flip flops and assumed we’d reached the beach. We carried on walking and I still wasn’t allowed to open my eyes.

‘Okay, open.’ Cody said, putting down whatever he was carrying. I looked down and saw two surfboards.

‘We, are going to surf.’ He beamed. He handed me the shortest board and slid his over to the water.

‘Oh my gosh!’ I smiled. I’d always wanted to learn to surf. I followed him and slid my board over to the water.

About two hours later, and around 1000 falls, I think I was getting the hang of it.

Paddle, Crouch, Stand, Surf.

‘Hey, you’re a natural.’ Cody said.

‘Nothing compared to you! Wow, this was amazing. Thank you so much!’ I said as we finally made our way back to the sand.

We sat down on a towel that Cody had laid out. I sprawled out trying to soak up some of the sun, I looked healthier with a bit of a tan.

‘So are you ready for your surprise?’ 

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