Chapter Ten

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‘Amy!’ Cody said. I think he was trying to look happy about seeing her, but his body language told me otherwise.

‘Fancy bumping into YOU here!’ She giggled. Without sounding rude, she had the most annoying voice. Oh god that was mean, I take that back.

‘Haha, funny.’ He said bluntly. He kept staring at me, like he wanted me to step in.

Me, socially awkward me.

Be brave, Lexi.

Be brave.

I walked over from where I was standing and linked my arm through Cody’s. He loosened up, like it was a relief for me to be there. What is going on?

I felt him squeeze my arm, trying to signal something to me. It took me a moment but I worked out what he wanted.

‘Hi, I’m Lexi!’ I smiled and held out my hand.

She stared at it and turned away. Oh.

‘So, how do you know HER?’ Amy said. Ouch, am I really that bad?

‘She’s my girlfriend.’ Cody said, he sounded kind of proud, or am I just imagining this to avoid the fact that this was clearly and ex of Cody’s.

‘Oh, right.’ She huffed.

I don’t like this Amy. At all.

‘Well, it was nice seeing you.’ Cody said, looking like he couldn’t get away quick enough.

‘Yeah, k. Bye. Oh and bye Lexi.’ She replied.

‘Bye!’ I said, trying to be nice.

‘Whatever!’ She said.


Cody grabbed my hand, tutted at Amy and pulled me away.

‘I’m really really sorry! He said, giving me a hug.

‘What was that about?’ I said.

‘That girl is a b…’ He paused, hesitated, and then held himself back.

‘Say it, it’s okay.’ I said. Staring into his eyes, I saw him tear up. What is going on?

‘She’s a ….. a… Bitch.’ He said. He was crying.

I walked over to him and hugged him, and he cried on my shoulder. Oh god! Holy Cheeseballs.

I stood hugging him for around five minutes. I wiped his tears on my sleeve and he smiled at me.

‘Sorry!’ He smiled.

‘What for?’ I said sympathetically.

‘Crying. I’m sorry. I never wanted to see her again. I didn’t even know she still lived in LA. I thought I’d got rid of her forever, good riddance I thought.’ He rambled.

‘Woah, woah baby slow down!’ I said. (Did I really just say that. Baby. Really?)

‘She cut me up Alexia. Really cut me up, and I’ll never forgive her for it!’ He said, really seriously. He called me Alexia. Cheeseballs. Holy ones too.

‘Okay, I can see that. Let’s just forget about even seeing her! Let’s just continue our date. You can tell me later if you want to, but it has obviously gotten to you, so let’s just drop it, yeah?’ I said sympathetically.

‘Okay.’ He said calmly. Then he completely dropped it, grabbed my hand, and we carried on walking. He soon seemed to forget the encounter and we steadily walked back to mine.

We were about 5 minutes from mine, 20 minutes from Cody’s, when my phone buzzed.

It was Alli, ringing me. She never usually rings me.

‘Ah don’t answer it! She’s probably spying on us!’ Cody laughed.

I stared at him, not knowing if he was serious. It continued ringing, it must be serious.

‘Kidding!’ He said, smiling.

I answered.

Alli was crying.

‘Alli, Alli what’s the matter?’ I said.

I saw Cody glance at me, he looked worried.

‘It’s Ash!’ She sobbed.

‘What, what’s happened, is he okay?’ I blurted.

‘He’s dumped me.’ She sobbed.

‘For Amy.’

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