Chapter Four

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‘AHHHHHH!’ Alli yelled. I woke up to see her bouncing around her room. I rubbed my eyes and tried to figure out what was going on.

I remember!!!!

‘AHHHHHH!’ I yelled, joining Alli jumping around the room.

We both pounded Madison until she woke up. She didn’t look impressed but then I think she realised why we were so excited, and she too joined us. 

The door burst open and Cody and Jake walked in. I think they were taking the mick, but I’m not too sure, because they joined us as well.

They started flapping their hands and squealing in a high voice.

They were taking the mick.

Alli threw a cushion at them and we all started laughing, I like this group of people. Where I’m from, (which is the UK by the way; I’d never really mentioned how I came to LA. I’ll do that later) if you threw a cushion at a person then it would end in a full blown fight. Everybody was so chilled out, and I know I’ve said this a lot of times but it’s true! I’m so lucky to know them, I can’t even tell you.

The limousine pulled up in the car park.


Disney Land is the only place where a 15 year old teenager can be turned into a 5 year old little girl again. I thought Alli was going to explode! The chauffeur opened the door and she shot out. I looked at Madison, Jake and Cody.

‘She’s always like this when we come here!’ Cody said. He smiled at me. We both lent forward to get out of the limo at the same time, but he let me out first. Chivalrous people don’t come around so often these days!

I found myself spending a lot of time with Cody today. And no not the way you’re thinking! There was noflirting; well at least I don’t think so?! 

There was only one awkward moment when I was in the line with Cody to ride the ghost train. Actually make it two.

1)We were in the line and I guess Cody was just trying to make conversation. This was our conversation.

‘So, do you have a boyfriend?’ Cody asked, looking at me.

‘Um, no.’ I said awkwardly.

‘But you’ve had a boyfriend before right?’ 

‘Ummmm… umm … okay, no! Pathetic, I know.’ I replied, I felt my cheeks going red. This was so embarrassing.

‘No, no not at all! I was just wondering really!’ He said, before quickly changing the subject.

2)We were on the ride. The ghost ride, why did I do this? 

It was a scary ride, believe me. I nearly pooped myself, on multiple occasions, and I’m pretty sure I started crying at one point. But anyway, the awkward part was when something jumped out at the side of me. I instantly jumped to the side Cody was sat on and hugged him. Yes I know, that’s not the awkward part. The awkward thing was he hugged me back, hard. Like a proper hug! Not a friend hug, not an I’m here for you hug. An I don’t want to let go hug. And believe me, he didn’t let go, for the next 4 minutes of the ride.


It gets awkwarder… I enjoyed it. I didn’t want to let go either. What was happening? I know I don’t like him like that, I know I don’t. It just, felt right, really right. All the bad stuff went away. 

I decided by the end that it was a friend hug. If you haven’t already guessed, I’m really awkward with things like this. Everybody has those really intense friend hugs every once in a while, don’t they? 

Yes they do.

Apart from these two encounters, I had a good day with Cody. I actually spent most of day with him, mainly because Jake went off with Alli and Madison and we sort of lost them. Well, not lost. They were so far ahead we couldn’t catch up, so we just stayed together.

We had so much fun. I don’t think I’ve laughed this much in a long time, he such a chill guy. I think I could class him as one of my best friends. I could class them all as my best friends I guess. 

I was walking back to the limo with Cody, carrying multiple shopping bags. Disaster waiting to happen and believe it or not, it did. I dropped about every single bag, all in a row. Then fell over them.


Cody laughed, like a proper laugh. He has a beautiful laugh.

‘You’re so clumsy! I don’t think I’ve met anybody quite like you before!’ He said.

‘I’m definitely one of a kind! Now help me up, before even more people stare!’ I laughed.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Then he picked my bags.

‘Thanks!’ I said, laughing.

‘Hey, Lexi. Can I ask you something?’

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