Chapter Nine

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Cody opened the gate for me at the end of my drive and let me through.
The beach was only ten minutes from my house, and we had decided to walk. When we were half way down the street, Cody grabbed my hand. It felt so natural that I barely even noticed until we got to the beach. We talked about everything and anything on the way there, and apart from Disney Land I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as much. I don’t think I’d ever seen Cody laugh so much either! It was possibly one of the best walks of my life.

It was a long walk along the front until we reached the steps to get to the sand, so we decided to jump off the wall. It was quite high, but I’d done it so many times it was nothing. Cody went down first and landed on his feet with a thud. He held out his arms and I jumped into them. He caught me, but then we both fell. We just laid side by side in the sand and I couldn’t stop laughing. Cody stood up and held his hand out for me, and I grabbed it. He pulled me up and rubbed his hands through my hair.
‘There’s sand all over you!’ He said, laughing.
‘We’re at a beach, you know?!’ I said.

He crouched down in the sand.
‘Get on!’ He said, nudging his head towards his back.
I got on and he stood up. I screamed.
‘Close your eyes!’ He said.
‘I don’t want to! I don’t trust you!’ I replied
He laughed.
‘Just do it!’ He said, smiling.
I shut my eyes.
‘Okay!’ I said.
He started walking and it was scary. Believe me!

He walked for ages; I wanted to open my eyes to see where we were going.
‘Can I open my eyes yet?’ I asked.
‘Soon, we’re nearly there!’ He replied.

Even more time passed.

‘Okay!’ He said. ‘Open.’
I opened my eyes. We were stood next to the unoccupied lifeguard tower.
‘Why did you bring me here?’ I asked.
‘This is my favourite place to come, when I’m sad, angry, and happy. I wanted to share it with you. Come up with me!’ He said.
I was overwhelmed. I went up the tower with him. It wasn’t very high, it only had about 5 steps, but when you sat at the top you felt miles above everybody. It was amazing.
‘Wow.’ I said, rather speechless.
‘It’s nice isn’t it?!’ He replied. He slipped his arm around my neck and I rested my head on his shoulder.
‘Thank you!’ I said.
‘What for?’ He replied.
‘For sharing this with me, it’s so beautiful!’ I said. I was so happy; I couldn’t put it into words.

We sat there for what must have been an hour. It really was beautiful.

‘C’mon, let’s go to the water!’ He said.
I didn’t want to move, but I did. He grabbed my hand and ran towards the water.

I jumped into the sea, well, I say jumped but it only just covered my ankles.
‘I want to go in further!’ He said, smiling. 
He grabbed my hand again, he seemed to like doing this! Then he picked me up. That type of pick up when my backs on one arm, my legs are hanging over his other arm and my arm was round his neck.
He walked further and further into the water until he was about waist deep in water.

Then guess what he did… JUST GUESS.

Yep, he threw me into the water.

Revenge time.

I jumped up and splashed him with the biggest wave of water that went right over his head.
He wiped his eyes and stared at me, then did the same! This continued for around 5 minutes, then we both burst out laughing. He walked over and kissed me. It was crazy, the whole day was crazy. Holy cheeseballs.

We were both soaking, so we decided to walk along the sand again.
As we walked and talked, I kept catching Cody glancing at another girl. I didn’t make a fuss of it, I couldn’t see who she was from this distance but he must’ve known her.
We walked for about ten minutes when Cody suddenly sheltered me in a hug, hiding his face.
‘What are you doing?’ I asked, a bit confused.
‘Just wanted to hug you!’ He muffled into my shoulder.

A girl walked up to us and Cody squeezed me tighter.

‘Cody?’ The girl said.
‘Darn.’ I heard him growl.

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