Chapter Three

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For the next couple of hours all I could think about that phone call. I didn’t know whether to call back. I was probably reading into this too much, which is another of my annoying habits.

I decided to call her.

‘Hello?’ Alli said. 

‘Um, hey Alli!’ I said, trying to sound a less awkward as possible, which for me was something I struggle with every day.

‘Hey, I need to ask you something!’ she sounded very excited. I hadn’t seen her since her party which was over a week ago now, so her Australian accent sounded as strong as the first day I met her.

Before I could reply she began to speak.

‘So Madison and I are going to Disney Land on Saturday, and we were wondering if you wanted to come with us? You could come to mine Friday night?’ She asked.

‘Oh my gosh I would love that! Thank you so much for inviting me!’ I squealed. I GET TO GO TO DISNEY LAND! WITH ALLI AND MADISON!

‘No problem! Can’t wait, I’ll see you Friday!’ she said. 

*inhale, exhale* I get to go to Disney Land, my favourite place on Earth with the people I pretty much call my best friends. What could be better? Oh my I need to plan!

Friday came round very quickly. Alli was coming to pick me up seeing as her house was on the other side of town and she didn’t want me to be alone for the journey, she is so considerate!

The limo pulled up on my drive and I said bye to my mum. The chauffeur opened the door for me and Alli and Madison were inside. The both wore really big smiles, and I was too. I squealed and got in.

Alli’s house is huge. Like seriously, huge. She took my stuff up to her room and then gave me a tour. The tour must’ve taken an hour at least! The best part, the cinema, in her house. Wow. We went to the game room where Cody was playing on his PS3 with Jake? (I really need to learn if this is his name!)

‘Hey, long time no see!’ Cody said, before quickly returning to his game.

‘Hi, I’m Jake!’ (BOOM) said Jake.

‘Nice to meet you, I’m Lexi.’ I said.

‘You too.’ He replied before returning to the game.

Alli signalled me over to the dance machine that was in what I guess was ‘her corner’ of the game room. Oh god, dancing. Why dancing. In front of everybody. Awkward.

I was actually better than expected on the dance machine. I didn’t fall or trip once! It was actually fun, especially when Cody and Jake joined in too. Alli, Madison, Jake and Cody are such chilled out people. They are so much fun to be around! I caught Cody staring at me a couple of times throughout the night; I don’t really get this guy. But I have only seen him twice; maybe I gave him the wrong impression?

Alli, Madison and I went to Alli’s bedroom and spent most of the night doing make overs.

‘So Alli, is Ash joining us tomorrow?’ Madison asked.

‘No, he’s been a bit off with me recently; I think I’ll just give him some space.’ She replied. She was always so chilled out! 

‘What do you think of Cody then, Lexi? Alli asked me.


‘Um, he’s nice! I just get the impression that he doesn’t really like me!’ I said hesitantly.

‘Oh that’s not true!’ Alli said, looking at Madison. They giggled.

‘Huh?’ I said.

‘Never mind!’ they both said in sync.

Okay then.

‘Let’s just say, he thinks you’re pretty cool!’ Madison said.

‘Oh, okay. He’s pretty cool too!’ I replied… awkwardly.

My life is so awkward.


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