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Evan sat under a tree at the orchard, head resting on Connor's shoulder. Evan was picking at the grass and taking in the gorgeous scene displayed in front of him. It was the beginning of spring, so the flowers were blooming and trees were getting their bright green leaves back.

Connor was sitting cross-legged, back against the tree. He glanced at a nearby flower as his dull pencil danced across the notebook in his lap. He's been sketching the field in front of him for the past three hours. Around two in the afternoon, he got lonely and asked Evan to call.

Evan being Evan, he decided to make the afternoon romantic and brought a picnic basket, but since they weren't hungry at the moment they hadn't eaten anything yet.

Connor looked over at Evan. He was scrolling through his Instagram feed. He stopped on a picture of him and Connor of them smiling at each other and playing Monopoly. It was on Jared's account. They've only played Monopoly once, how long had Jared had that picture?

'These 2 are so in love im gonna barf,' the caption read.

Evan blushed and rolled his eyes as he liked the post.

"We should probably eat the food now," Evan said. "I don't want it to go to waste."

"Because we all know how much you slaved to make it," Connor joked. "Nothing's going to go bad."

"Your turkey sandwich might."

Connor sat up straight. "Holy shit, you made me a turkey sandwich?" he asked. "I haven't had meat in months because of Cynthia."

"I know." Evan opened the basket, taking out paper plates. "That's why I made it." He handed Connor his sandwich, which was wrapped in a plastic bag. He set a water bottle next to himself and a can on Mountain Dew next to Connor.

"Aw you remembered my favorite drink," Connor teased, cracking open the soda.

"To be honest," Evan started, unwrapping his own sandwich of peanut butter and apple jelly, "I didn't know it was your favorite, it was the only soda in the fridge and I kinda knew you wouldn't want water."

"Oh. Well, thanks anyways." Connor shrugged, taking a long sip from the can.

Evan reached into the basket, looking for the bags of chips. Instead, he pulled out a bag of fruit snacks. Ninja Turtle fruit snacks specifically.

"I don't. . ." Evan's eyebrows furrowed. ". . . What? I don't remember putting these in there. I must've knocked them into the basket by accident. I don't like these, here."

He flung them over to Connor, who stared at the bag. "I'll give them to Zoe," he said. "She's always loved Ninja Turtle fruit snacks."

Evan lifted an eyebrow. "You remember that but you don't remember her birthday?" he asked.

"I'm trying, ok?" Connor crossed his arms, fingers gripping his arms tightly. "And I've never been good with birthdays. And she would eat the fruit snacks everyday until she turned fourteen, of course I'd remember that. Whereas a birthday only happens once a year. Which are you gonna forget; a birthday that's once a year, or the fact that your sister eats fruit snacks everyday?"

"Good point." Evan bit into his sandwich.

After they officially got together, Connor's been trying to be a better brother and son. Key word trying. He still yells a lot and uses drugs, but he's getting better.

After a week of attempting to be nicer, Larry had asked Connor about it and Connor took it the wrong way. The fight ended with name-calling, a packed bag, and ranting in Evan's room until midnight. The next day Connor apologized, surprising everyone, including himself.

Stopping TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora