Chapter twelve

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"You can go ahead and change the music," Connor said, nodding towards his phone. "It's 1234."

"That's so easy," Evan said, grabbing the phone.

"That's the point." Connor turned the corner. "In case I need my phone while I'm high, I'll know the passcode." Connor slammed on the brakes as a car sped across, cutting them off. "You mother fucker!"

Evan jumped at the shouting. He scrolled through Connor's Spotify. "Hollywood Undead?" he asked, clicking on the playlist.

"Great band," Connor said. "You probably wouldn't like them though. They swear a lot and sometimes it sounds like they're screaming. You can put it on if you want, I'm just warning you."

Evan frowned and hit shuffle. He placed the phone down.

"Wake up, grab beer, grab rear," the phone played. "Gotta get drunk 'fore my mom wakes up, break up with my girlfriend so I can bang sluts."

Evan gasped, reaching for the phone. He hit pause. "W-why do you have that song o-on your phone?" he asked, his face burning.

Connor shrugged. "It's a good song," he answered. "If you ignore the lyrics that is."

"I-I just. . ." He scrolled through the playlists again. He found a playlist titled 'Simple Plan'. Shrugging to himself, he hit shuffle.

    A song titled Perfect started playing.

    Connor visibly tensed, hands gripping the steering wheel tighter and knuckles turning white. "Change the song," Connor muttered.

    "W-what?" Evan asked.

    "Change the damn song!"

    Evan flinched and paused the song. He settled on the State Champs playlist. Hopefully this won't make him upset.

    Connor was still tense, but he didn't look like he was about to rip the steering wheel off.

    "W-what's wrong with the song?" Evan asked.

    "I don't wanna talk about it," Connor said. "I'm not in the mood."

    Evan nodded. "So where are we going?"

"A place called Á La Mode," Connor said. "The best ice cream place there is."

"I mean, Dairy Queen isn't bad," Evan said.

Connor looked over at him. "This place is better than Dairy Queen."

"Really?" Evan lifted an eyebrow. "How can any place be better than Dairy Queen? Their hot dogs are the best."

    "This is about ice cream, Hansen," Connor said, "not hot dogs. And you'll change your mind once you try it."

They pulled into a parking space. The place was pretty empty. There were only ten cars, plus Connor's.

    Evan jogged to keep up with Connor. "Slow down," he called out.

    "Not my fault you're short." Connor held the door open for Evan.

    "I'm not short!" he exclaimed. "You're just really tall."

    Connor rolled his eyes in a joking manner. "Whatever you say. So, what flavor do you want?"

    "Uh. . ." Evan scanned the various flavors. "Mint brownie?"

    "Bowl or cone?"


    Connor nodded and told the cashier their order.

    Connor handed Evan his bowl. Connor held a cone with two scoops, one vanilla and one confetti cake.

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