Chapter twenety-two

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Evan paced in his room, trying not to tear a hole in his new shirt due to fiddling with it.

    When Evan told Heidi about his date, she went shopping for a nice shirt. She spent the past hour talking about how happy she was for him.

    He had no idea what Connor was planning. Connor kept insisting it was a surprise.

He found himself in the bathroom, making sure his hair was good and that he hasn't already put a bunch of holes in his shirt.

He double checked that his phone was charged in case anything were to happen, although that was unlikely.

Evan checked the time. It was 7:05.

Oh god.

It was only five minutes past seven, but Evan had started freaking out. What if this was a joke and Connor told Jared about it so he set up cameras in his house and was watching him? What if Connor decided to bail on him because he realized he didn't like him anymore? What if-

The doorbell rang.

Evan ran down the stairs, skipping every other step. He tripped.

He grabbed the railing, groaning as his body was thrown against it.

"Note to self," he mumbled, "one stair at a time."

He fixed his shirt, smoothing out the wrinkles, and walked to the door. He slid his shoes on, looking through the peephole to make sure it was Connor and not someone else.

He turned the doorknob, letting the door fly open and he bent down to tie his shoes.

He sprung up and faced Connor. "H-hi."

"Hey," Connor replied. His gaze traveled up at down, taking in Evan's appearance. "You look nice."

Evan blushed, fiddling with his fingers. "Th-thanks. Y-you look nice too."

Evan stepped out of the house, closing and locking the door behind him.

Connor lead him to his car and opened the passenger side for Evan.

Evan blushed as he slipped into the car. "Y-you didn't have to do that," he said.

"I may be an ass," Connor admitted, "but I do know how to be a gentleman believe it or not."

Evan giggled quietly as Connor closed the door and moved to the other side.

"So w-where are we going?" Evan asked as Connor started the car.

"Well, I figured that we'd go see a movie," explained Connor, "then go have dinner. So don't ruin your appetite on popcorn and twizzlers."

"I'll try not to." Evan smiled. "Wh-what movie are we seeing?"

"Well, there aren't any "romantic" movies playing right now, so I thought why not see Wonder Woman."

Evan lit up. "I've always wanted to see that!" He bounced lightly in his seat like a toddler who just saw Santa. Except Evan was terrified of Santa as a child. "I've heard it's really good."

"Well, then it seems like I made the right choice. I preordered the tickets so we'd have to see it anyways."

"When does it start?"

"7:40." Connor pulled out of the driveway. "I figured you might want to be early so we don't miss any of it. It's a ten minute drive, so we'll have twenty minutes to get drinks and popcorn and find our seats. Also when I checked out the seats, it seemed like not a lot of people will be there."

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