Chapter eighteen

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They were watching The Nightmare Before Christmas. It was fitting, seeing as Halloween was only five days away.

After that emotionally draining moment, Connor had wanted his space so he was laying on the couch while Evan sat on the floor by his feet.

"S-so," Evan said, breaking the silence. "I-I know you probably don't wanna talk about this but. . ."

Connor raised an eyebrow, though Evan couldn't see. "But?"

"I-I know w-we said we both like each other," Evan continued. He was fidgeting with his hands, picking at his nails and skin around them. "B-but I th-think w-we shouldn't d-do anything until we f-figure out the s-soulmate stuff. B-basically what I'm saying is that w-we shouldn't get together until-"

"I know what you're saying," Connor said. "And I agree."

Evan nodded and looked over at Connor.

"What?" Connor cocked his head to the side.

Evan looked away, blushing. "N-nothing."

Connor rolled his eyes and put his attention back to the movie.

"S-so," Evan said. "Do you have any plans for Halloween? Like are you gonna dress up or party or. . ."

"I usually don't do anything except hand out candy," Connor said. "I used to dress up but I stopped when I was eleven."

"Really?" Evan turned to face him. He crossed his legs and was looking at his lap while pressing the tips of his two index fingers together. "Do you, do you think you could h-help me hand out candy? 'Cause y'know. . ."

Connor eyed the shorter boy. "Sure." He shrugged. He picked at his already chipped black nail polish. "So, uh. . . Are you gonna dress up?"

    "I'm not sure." Evan frowned. "I didn't have the time or money for find a costume. I really wanted to go as Sweeney Todd. But I guess I'll have to settle for the spare face paint we have from last year. I might end up as a skeleton or a cat, depending on what colors and how much we have."

Connor chuckled and shook his head at the mental images. A few strands of hair fell out of the bun he was sporting. He didn't bother fixing it, he would've had to undo the entire thing.

"If we have enough," Evan went on, "do you think you w-would want to do it? The face paint? Y-you don't have to dress up or even do the face paint. U-unless you want to. I-if you do, I'm really good at doing small designs like stars and hearts and mini skull. I-I can't do like the entire face like a clown or a dog. My mom usually helps with that."

"Maybe," was Connor's response. He thought for a moment. "Who's Sweeney Todd?"

Evan made an overly long and loud gasp. Connor honestly thought that a lung was going to burst.

"How do you not know who Sweeney Todd is?!" Evan exclaimed, switching his position so he was sitting on his knees. "He's a barber who kills people and then this girl-I can't remember her name-uses the dead bodies and makes them into pies. Ah, it's the best musical ever! And Johnny Depp plays him! Well, in the movie he does."

"Never thought you would be one to watch a movie about a killer," Connor joked.

Evan scoffed. "I may be squeamish around extreme gore but I can handle it. We are watching it right now!"

Evan turned off Netflix and searched through the piles of DVDs by the TV. He pulled out the DVD and raised it above his head. The tower of DVDs ended up falling because he yanked it out.

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