Chapter twenty

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The drive to the orchard was silent, but neither of them minded. Simple Plan was quietly playing through the speakers.

Connor was quietly singing along, not know that Evan was listening.

Evan smiled, enjoying how calming his voice sounded.

"You have a nice voice," he said.

Connor looked over at him, face red. "You heard that?"

The blond nodded. "I have ears for a reason," he teased. "But really, it-its nice."

Connor turned his attention back to the road. He continued singing and turned up the music.

Evan decided to pay attention to the words.

I've always been so reckless

All of my life

But I'll try

For you

Evan looked at Connor, who was drumming his fingers against the steering wheel, matching the rhythm of the song.

Evan rested his head against the cold window, watching the trees and buildings pass. His eyes drifted closed and the sound of Connor singing faded away.

Connor shook Evan awake, announcing they were there.

Evan unbuckled himself and exited to car, walking around to stand next to Connor. Once Connor was out, they walked over to the fence and climbed it.

Connor landed on the ground gracefully while Evan stumbled, almost falling.

Connor lead Evan deep into the orchard, his hand wrapped around Evan's wrist. Evan tried to ignore the blush that was creeping onto his face.

    They arrived at the tree they normally sit under-and for some reason they've been there so many times that they recognize it.

    Evan stepped closer to the tree, grabbing one of the sturdier branches and pulling himself up.

    "Evan, are you crazy?" Connor asked. "Your arm just healed and you're already climbing trees?"

    "I haven't climbed a tree in months," Evan said in between breaths as he continued climbing. "And I'm making sure to be even more careful."

    Evan sat on a branch that he was sure was sturdy enough to hold him. "You should come up here, it's great."

    "I uh, I think I'll pass," Connor responded. "I'm not one for heights."

    Evan nodded and leaned against the tree, smiling. He swung his legs back and forth.

    Connor stared at him, then at the tree. "Can't believe I'm doing this," he whispered to himself, shaking his head. He approached the tree, grabbing a branch.

    He was nowhere near as good a climber Evan was, so he's constantly slipping and losing balance. Eventually, he made it to where Evan was.

    Evan scooted over, away from the base of the tree so Connor could sit.

    Connor looked around the orchard, taking in the scene. Everything looked small up there, the flowers were barely noticeable. The sun was peaking out from behind the leaves.

    He had to admit, it was a pretty sight.

    A huge gust of wind came their way. Evan started to sway and he held onto the branch, eyes wide.

    "Maybe we should get down," Connor said.

    Evan nodded, staying still. Connor began to slowly climb down, gripping the tree whenever he slipped. Evan scooted closer to the base of the tree.

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