Chapter eight

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"So what the hell happened back there?"

Evan looked over at Connor. "W-what do you mean?"

"You had a panic attack, I know," Connor continued, "but what the hell was that? You were so out of it, you had this dazed look, you were constantly touching a wall, you were grabbing onto my fucking arm like you were dying." Connor paused. "Are. . . are you high or some shit?"

Evan's eyes widened. "N-no! I-I don't do drugs, and, and even if I did, I w-wouldn't go to school high."

Connor's jaw clenched and he gripped the wheel tight, his knuckles turning white.

"Did. . ." Evan looked at his hands, which were in his lap, messing with a string on his jeans. "I'm sorry. Did I say something?"

Connor shook his head. "It's just. . . It's nothing."

    The two fell into silence. The only sound was the air conditioning and State Champs playing on the radio.

    Evan looked out the window, head resting on the cool glass. "Dissociation," he whispered.

    "Speak up Hansen," Connor replied.

    "Dissociation," Evan repeated. "That's what happened."


    "I-it's where yo-you-"

    "I know what it is Hansen," Connor interrupted. "Were you, were you diagnosed with it?"

    Evan shook his head. "I-I don't have it as a disorder. I-it's a symptom o-of anxiety. D-during panic attacks, I sort of disconnect from reality-derealisation-but it doesn't h-happen of-often. U-usually I c-cry during th-them."

    Connor didn't reply, just focused on the road.

    "S-sorry," Evan said. Connor glanced at him. "Y-you probably do-don't care about th-that."

    "You sure do apologize a lot," Connor said.


    Connor rolled his eyes and turned the music up a bit, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel to the beat.

    "You, you didn't exactly t-tell me where we're g-going."

    "You'll find out."

    Evan pouted and resumed his attention to the outside. Specifically the trees. He felt his eyelids droop and soon he was asleep.

"Hansen wake up," Connor yelled. "We're here."

    Evan cracked open his eyes. Connor was staring at him.

    Evan looked out the window, eyes widening slightly.

    He followed Connor out of the car.

    "This is the orchard my parents used to take me and my sister," Connor said. "It's closed down now."

    "Wait," Evan said. "I-isn't this t-trespassing?"

    Connor smirked. "It's only trespassing if you get caught."

    Evan watched as Connor climbed over the fence. He walked over to the gate and took out a paper clip. He concentrated on picking the lock, his tongue sticking out slightly.

    The lock popped and Connor pushed open the gate.

    "W-what if someone s-sees us?" Evan asked, slowly walking through.

    Connor rolled his eyes. "Relax Hansen," he said. "No one ever comes by. And even if someone does, we'll probably be out of sight."

    "B-but what if th-they get th-the license p-plate number and give it t-to the p-police and, and then t-the police will c-call our parents and-"

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