Chapter 36 ✔

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I was almost happy

Notice the almost because I am not fully happy yet.

The Avons are still out there and they still want to kill me

"Baby girl, you need to leave with Henry, like right now" my mom said

"You are coming with us" I said

"No I can't" she said

I was going to talk but I was interrupted

"Look Gina, I miss you and your father so much but it is dangerous for me to go out there" she said

"She is right Gina, it is too dangerous for her, The Keers don't like to be fooled" he said

"Yes, they won't leave me alone" She said

"You need to get rid of The Avons first" she said

"But, mom" I said

"No buts if anyone asks including The Keers" she said

"Where is your mother?" she asked me

"My mother is dead" I said

"Perfect" she said

"Hey, ma'am take this phone so we can contact you after all of this is done" Henry said

"Sure thing Henry" she said taking the phone and I noticed a mark on her inner wrest

"What is this mark" I asked

"I knew you would ask" she said smiling

"You will know when it is time" she answered

"Secrets, secrets" I said

"We have to go now Gina" Henry said

"Yeah, he is right" She said

I hugged her and we went on our way in the forest.

"I can smell human blood on a tree near that road" he said pointing at a little road on the right side

"It is definitely Joana's, it must be a sign or something" I said

"Let's go and find out" he said

We went on our way and we stopped suddenly

There was three beautiful statues in front of us and each had an amazing stone on its head.

The statues were made of bricks and on the top and animal with a stone above it in another brick.

The first statue was an eagle with a red stone, the second was a bear with a green stone and the third was a wolf with a blue stone.

"Hey, check this out" Henry said from a little far away

There was knocked out statue with a stone in it.

The statue was a Lion with a beautiful black stone

"To be Removed I have to move" Henry said out loud as he was leaning to the statue

"What does it mean" I asked

"There is more" he said

"To be Removed I have to move and to get me out I have to be put right" he read

He suddenly picked it up as if it was a small rock and placed it next to the others.

He tries to take out the stone but he couldn't.

"Henry it is not placed right" Gina said

"Okay so what do you suggest we do Gina" He said

I moved back and I noticed the pattern of the statues.

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