Chapter 22 ✔

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Today was boring as usual.

School had nothing important at all.

Miss Freda kept explaining some lesson about Africa and Asia and that is your typical boring stuff.

At Lunch some action started to happen.

"Hey can I talk to you" Charlotte said with a sad smile then she left

"What do you want" I said getting up and following her to the ground behind the school

"Look I don't know what happened that day but I assure you I kept my eyes on the door" Charlotte said

"Didn't look like it when she found me" I said in a sarcastic way

"No one came in or even came close to the door" Charlotte said assuring me

"It's her house maybe she had another door to enter from when she saw me and you know she is weird as hell, please believe me Gina" Charlotte said

"We have been friends for over 15 years you are going to believe that sucker over me" Charlotte said

"Who are you talking about??" I said

"I am talking about Henry you know he is a vampire yet you hang out with him maybe Cloe and Christina are too" Charlotte said

"How did you know" I said surprised

"Look I just know stuff and I have something to tell you but I want to you to forgive me first" Charlotte said while her eyes started to tear up

"I can't stay mad at you, and I do forgive you" I said crying too but laughing

"I have a secret like Henry and Jake" Charlotte said

And again I am surprised how she knew

"I am a shapeshifter and remember that cat that used to be everywhere you are" Charlotte said

"Yes" I said because Henry has already told me about shapeshifters

"That was me in case you are wondering" Charlotte said

"Really, how did that happen ?!" I said

"I wanted to be a wolf like Jake and before you start I knew about him because I saw him shifting but I kept it hidden from everyone but then I woke up and turned into a cat" Charlotte said laughing

We laughed and then realized suddenly that school day was over and people were everywhere going into their cars or buses or walking.

Then I saw him standing behind his car door waiting for someone

Waiting for me.

I went to him and said

"What are you doing here?" I said

"Hey Gina I am good thanks for asking" Jake said

"Not funny" I said

"Just get in the car I need to talk with you and sort this shit out" Jake said loud enough to make everyone look at us

"I don't want to talk with you" I said

"Come on don't let me use force with you" Jake said and I could see his eyes changing in color into a deep yellow color and I was pretty sure that was his wolf

"I am leaving Jake forget about me like I forgot about you" I said walking away

"You didn't forget about me" he said and I couldn't feel the ground anymore and I felt a strong hand on my waist and I am upside down.

"Put me down now" I said hitting his back

"You can't forget about me" he said putting me in the passenger seat and buckling me up then he sat in his chair and locked both windows and doors

"Look I just want to talk, I am taking you home and telling you what I want throughout the way" Jake said

"Fine" I said

"My father forced me to leave because I was a risk on everybody, I couldn't control my wolf and I needed to go" Jake said

"Believe me I wanted to tell you but I couldn't, It was not my secret to expose" Jake said while focusing on the road and looking at me sometimes

"You should have told me the second you came back" I said

"I tried too but I didn't have time you were always with Mr. Henry" He said smirking

"Look I am sorry but I loved you and have always loved you so I tried to tell you in every possible way but i just couldn't" He said then the car came to halt

He looked at me and I just stared in his making sure he isn't lying and making sure it's my Jake

"You are forgiven, but I love Henry and I don't think you stand a chance in having me while he is around, I am sorry" I said

"Let's not talk about what's coming in the future I will take your forgiveness for now " Jake said smiling a little

We hugged inside the car and then I went out and went inside the house.

Then the doorbell rang.



Edited :3

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