Chapter 1 ✔

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I am Gina and I am now a senior and it is my first day in school so I must go to school, so I got up and got dressed.

So when i got dressed i just stared at my mirror and i saw me, the usual me.

I was bored of my looks, my red hair locks and my green eyes.

It is a look to die for and guess what i am willing to die to change how i look so badly cause it reminded me of my mother.

But my mom's hair was brunette still she used to dye it a lot so we could look alike.

Enough with the reminiscing. 

Jumped in my red truck and gone on my way to school.

I arrived there and I parked then when I was into my way to the school gate.

I saw something behind me when I turned to see what it was, it was gone.

I ran to the school gate and met my friend Johana.

She was a very good friend of our family and she was my bus driver through middle-school.

Then I saw Charlotte my best friend and she came running my way.

"It is senior year now. So this new guy in town is called Henry" she said

Here comes the gossip

"He is from The Jones family they are new in town you have to interview him so we can get some information on the guy "she said

"Ok when I have the honor to meet the super guy" I said in a gentle voice and laughed

"I got to go now bye" I said

"Bye then" Charlotte said

I had to go and shoot some photos for the school's newspaper.

So I went outside to the fountain and captured a few pics of the students and the school itself.

I was looking at the picture I took when I saw there was something behind the crowds of people.

I was some kind of shadow big and dark in the picture.

"Maybe it was a plane shadow or a bird's" I thought

I went inside the school gym to take more pictures.

I entered the school after I finished taking the pictures.

I went to get my books from my locker, I saw a new face in school.

"Maybe that is the new guy everybody is talking about, maybe I should go interview him" I thought

But then something happened

The camera fell on the ground and it broke.

"No" I said out loud,

"I am sorry about your camera, is it your camera or the school's?" he said

"It is mine unfortunately, I was heading to take pics for a school assignment but I can't now" I  said

"I am Henry" he said

"I am Gina and I know who you are" I said

"I am so sorry about your camera when you get a new one you can come to interview me you are welcome any time" he said

I slightly laughed and then we said bye and he went to his class so did I.

But how did he know that i wanted to interview him . that's weird

When I arrived in class Charlotte said "Why are you late"

"Shut up now" I said

Mrs. Aragon said "Gina why don't you give me one dollar every time you are late"

"Make it five and it won't happen again" I said

"I hope so "said Mrs. Aragon



Edited :3

(8/8/18) This is something i just realized with my friends that i forgot how my characters look and i added a pic of Henry with blue eyes but his description is hazel eyes, so i decided i will add search chapters for description and fix it and add a characters chapter too.

Wish me luck ❤

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Love you all (Y.A)❤︎ 

The Beginning Of The End: The HistoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz