Chapter 10 ✔

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It is him I swear on Johanna's body it is him

My one and only Jake Collen.

"Gina............., damn I didn't know you would be that hot" Jake said he said while giving me the white and red bouquet

"Yeah well you turned out to be a hottie as well" I said while taking the bouquet back to the car and after that Gina went to Jake and they walked slowly to Johanna's grave.

"I know it is a bad time to talk, Can we after the funeral .... Maybe have cup of coffee together" Jake said

"You are really weird, we are in a funeral dude please have some respect." I said

"Ok, easy there kitten" Jake said

"Let's all stand here near me and let us say our prayers to Johanna" said the priest

We all stood next the priest and he started to say some words in a weird language which I suspect is the bible.

(A/N I mean no disrespect, I really don't know any words of the bible because it is not my religion so I mean no disrespect)

I saw a girl coming towards me while crying

"Hi......AR...Are you Gina?!" She said while crying

"Yes I am" I said sadly

"My. Mother is.....Was Johanna" She said

"Oh, you must be Lina" I said smiling a little

"Yes I am .., look I found this on my mum's desk after she died" Lina said while giving me an envelope

"It has your name on it and I don't know what its content" Lina said as well.

"Thanks Lina and I am so sorry for your loss" I said while smiling a little

"Your welcome and I am sure mum is proud of you as much is she is proud of me, see you later" Lina said while walking away.

I met Lina once before but we were little kids and since she lost her dad at a young age and now her mother it was heartbreaking.

Why would Johana leave me an envelope, I guess she had something to say to me.

But how did she know that she should leave something for me, did she feel like someone was going to attack her.

I heard that it was on purpose, someone actually took the time to cut the brakes off so she could get killed.

I felt a strong power suddenly and it wasn't the first time, I felt this back on the pavement and also in the library.

I focused my powers and that is when I heard some people's thought

"She was going to get herself killed with all that witch activity shit" A woman said

"I lost her too that makes me feel as if I am the reason, I think I will quit school and spend some time with my grandparents" Lina said

"Well, with that done let's see what should we do next" A guy said

"Witch activity and what does he mean when he says with that done" I thought

I teared up.

I am so sorry Johana I feel like I am the reason somehow and I promise if I can do anything I will do it and get justice for your resting soul.

I threw a rose from my bouquet but then I put all the bouquet on her grave after they settled her body down and closed the grave.



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