Chapter 2 ✔

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In Biology class it was time to make the experiment about how to test blood.

So each one had a testing tube, a needle, a syringe and a microscope so they can take some blood and test it on the microscope.

But the problem was that they have to take a sample of their own blood.

I hated both needles and blood but it is a project anyways so I was brave enough to do it.

"Ok be careful Charlotte I want to see less blood ok" I said

"Ok darling don't be scared , this will pass quicker than you know" then Charlotte said while laughing a bit.

Charlotte took the syringe and put the needle in it then she softly injected herself and started pulling to take some blood in it.

Then she took the sample and put it inside the tube.

"Here you go a new syringe" she said

She gave me a syringe and I did like she did too.

I took the syringe and placed the needle in it and then started to take a sample of blood

Until I saw that thing again the one that I saw in the parking lot in the morning a ghost of a girl.

I immediately, by mistake broke the needle inside my cells and it poured a lot of blood.

"Oh my god Gina you are bleeding heavily, stay with me open your eyes, help me Mrs. Aragon" Charlotte said

My vision started to black, I can see nothing at all, all of my sight blacked out and I passed out.

When I woke up, I was feeling dizzy and I wanted to vomit but I couldn't lift my body at all.

So I just stayed in the bed like I am 60 years old or something.

So after 5 or 6 minutes Charlotte came in.

"I hate you so much Gina because you freaked the hell out of me when you passed out" She said

"I know you hate me but still I love you, you are my Best friend and the sister that I have always wanted" I said

"So are you better now in spite of what happened ?" she said

"Yes I am, who visited me while I was you know.........." I said

"A lot of people came but your parents called, Jake called and Henry came, you are famous" Charlotte said surprised by the last name

"Yes, I am, did he really come or are you teasing me" I said curiously

"Yeah he did, and he is here again and he wants to come in" Charlotte said

"So let him in" I said

Then Henry came in and he had as always that amazing brown hair and amazing Brown-Hazel eyes and his amazing pale skin.

Then after a long silence he broke it saying "Do you feel better now" In his amazing Husky voice

"Yes, I am better now thanks for asking and coming" I answered

"How could I not come after that time I broke your camera and I felt that we will have a future together" He said in the same tone he used before.

"You look tired i will let you have some sleep" he said

I smiled but I was so tired and I drifted into sleep.

When they left I had some minutes to think everything through.

What is really happening and what is this creature I am seeing.

Is it really a ghost or am I hallucinating.

Ghosts shouldn't exist, I never believed in supernatural powers and I never believed in anything beyond humanity

Could I be wrong and could all of that fantasy stuff be true.



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