s t a r v e d| n.h.

Start from the beginning

What did I do?Niall thought. Liam normally didn't get mad at anyone, and if he was it was normally Louis, not Niall.
After recording some songs for the album,  Niall was starving, and it was showing during the songs. His stomach was growling while singing his parts in the songs. It was nearly 4:00 and Niall hadn't had any food since those crisps and his breakfast.

"Guys can we get some food? Me tummy is talking and that's not good," Niall said looking around and pleading with the other boys.

"We need to finish another song, it won't take that long Nialler," Harry said looking at the boy, sympathizing with him. "You could get something out of the cupboard to munch on though before we go to the buffet."

Niall's ears perked up at the sound of buffet, and at the fact that he could get food. He walked to the kitchen area, searching through the cabinets and fridge. He found nothing. He sighed, and walked back to the other boys empty handed.

"There was nothing there," Niall said," I ate the last bag of crisps." His head was hanging low.

"That's your own fault Niall. Let's get back to recording," Liam said looking at the other boys. That mad look was still on his face. Niall didn't know what he had done that day, Liam was so nice this morning.

Harry and Louis looked at Niall, who was tearing up at Liam's mean words, sympathizing with him. They got back to recording, Louis cracking a joke to try and cheer Niall up, which helped a bit. But he was still hungry.
The clock outside of the recording room read 6:30. The boys had just finished recording for that day, and were heading to the buffet that Harry had been talking about earlier. Niall was ticked off at Harry for saying that  it wouldn't take that long to record the next song, but he was happy at the thought of all you can eat food.

The car ride to the buffet was very awkward, no one was talking but Niall's stomach. They arrived at the nearly empty buffet, and Niall's face lit up immediately. He rushed inside to get a tray, not waiting up for the other boys. He was hungry.

Niall piled the food on his plate and ran to sit down. Louis, Harry, and Liam came to the table with trays of their own piled up,  watching as Niall shoveled down different varieties of food. To Niall (and his stomach),this was heaven.

Niall got up to get his second plate of food, before any of the other boys had even started on theirs. He came back with (if was possible) even more food than the first go around. He started shoveling this down. The other boys had finished their plates by now, and started heading to the dessert table.

Niall got up going to get his third round of entree food, passing Liam on his way.

"Aren't you full now?" Liam asked, not with friendliness, but with something else.

Niall shook his head and went back to the entree area. He picked out a whole plate of different varieties of chicken, and walked back to the table.

"If you eat anymore chicken, you are gonna turn into one," Louis said flapping his arms like a chicken and smiling at Niall. Unlike Liam's words, Louis was joking. Niall grinned at him and sat down, munching on his chicken.

Louis and Harry finished their desserts and sat back in their chairs patting their stomachs. Liam excused himself and went to the restroom. Niall took this as his cue that they were about to leave and that he should get dessert.

He quickly ran to the dessert table, and got all of the sweets that he could pile on his plate. (This is legit me when we go to any buffet.)

He came back to the table, setting his dessert on the table, and picking up a cupcake. He ate it and tried grabbing a cookie, but someone took his plate from him. Niall looked up and saw Liam.

"You need to stop eating Niall, I don't want to have to wait for you to have three courses of dessert too, let's go guys," he said looking at Louis and Harry.

"I honestly don't mind waiting for him to finish his food," Harry said shrugging his shoulders. Louis nodded his head in agreement.

"Well, I do. Let's go," he said and started walking to the door. Niall was tearing up, he knew it was stupid,  but why was Liam being so mean to him? He got up, following Louis and Harry's actions. They went to the car, with Niall about to burst out into tears. He could probably get over the food, but why was Liam being so mean??

Niall cuddled up to Harry this time, and tried to ignore Liam. Louis was rubbing his back while trying to ask Liam why he was being so mean to Niall. Niall couldn't hear what Liam said, due to what Harry was saying in his ear.

"Wanna come sleep with Louis and me in our room? I noticed that Liam's being really mean, and I don't want you to have to deal with him," Harry whispered into his ear. Niall nodded against Harry's chest as he started sniffling.

The rest of the ride was spent with Harry cuddling Niall, who ended up falling asleep in his arms. Harry carried Niall up to his and Louis' room and put him on the bed, covering him up before getting in the shower. Louis put on a movie and cuddled up to Niall who was fast asleep, tears staining his cheeks.
There was a knock at the door, which only Niall heard. He opened his sleepy eyes and looked over at the door.

Maybe they'll go away if I don't answer.

So Niall just sat in bed, still cuddling with Louis (who was snoring). He was about to fall asleep when they knocked again, this time louder. Niall sighed. He wiggled out from under Louis' grasp and padded over to the door squinting his eyes. He looked through  the peephole to see Liam standing there. His expression had changed from madness to sadness, and he had a look of worry on his face. Niall couldn't stand to see him like this, even though Liam had hurt his feelings. He slowly opened the door.

Liam instantly gave him a hug, which Niall was slightly taken aback at. Liam started to apologise to Niall, which Niall accepted easily.

Niall pulled back from the hug and looked at Liam. "Why were you so mean earlier? I still don't know what I did."

Liam looked at Niall who had glossy eyes still, looking on the verge of crying.

"You didn't do anything love. I'm so sorry. You know that phone call that I got at breakfast?" Niall nodded his head. "Well that was management. I was planning on going to see my family in a few weeks, which management had agreed to, but then they said that scheduling had changed and that I couldn't see them for another three months." Liam looked at the ground. "I was so mad. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take out my anger on you. I also didn't mean to take away your food, or make fun of you."

Niall instantly felt sympathy for Liam, and was happy that Liam had apologized for taking his food. He pulled Liam into a tight hug. Liam smiled and put his chin on Niall's head, he took it off almost immediately though.

He took Niall's hand and lead them down the hall to their shared room. Niall was confused, but followed, trusting his friend. Liam opened the door, and led Niall in.

"Here is the other part of your apology," Liam said. He handed three completely full bags of sweets to Niall, who's face lit up. "Sorry about earlier love."

Niall hugged Liam very tightly, then opened the bags. He stuffed his face full of the food, and with a mouthful said," Thanks for this. I was starved."

Originally written on July 3,2017.
Published August 3,2017.

a/n: Hello there! I hope that y'all liked this chapter and small Niall. Hope that everyone has/had an amazing day!


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