Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


A whisper. A desperate one reached my ringing ears. Looking straight at Mistress' frowning visage, it made me realize how much stress I've been putting her under but nonetheless, she's still as beautiful as the first time I saw her.

Millions of thoughts ran through my mind in that second. Does this mean anything? What's gonna happen now? How do I look? I bet I look ugly.

Then in a flash I felt warm lithe arms surrounding me. The buzzing thoughts... instantly gone.

I felt warm, I felt satisfied.

I felt happy.

I didn't even realize I was crying until Mistress held my face and dried my tears away gently with her thumb.

Oh how I longed for her warmth, for her touch, for her everything.

"Shhh... It's okay, I'm here," Mistress whispered against my head. I can't help but cry further. I don't know why. I just know I missed Mistress so much and she deserves to know that.

Clutching her shirt with my weakened hands, I whispered against her chest, "I missed you too."

I felt her heartbeat quicken along with mine. I felt her intake of air. I felt the tiny kiss Mistress planted at the side of my head. I felt how she tightened her hold around me as if I'd float away if she didn't. And I loved it.

And I love her.

We stood and hugged each other for a long time. Just letting the quiet calm our nerves.

In that moment, I felt every part of me come alive and I knew right then and there that Mistress could either make or break me. But I trust her and that's all that matters.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Meg. I-I'll do anything for you. I'll take you back to your father, if I have to. Just please... forgive me," her pleading eyes told me how geniune she was being and that I need to reassure her that I already forgave her.

And so I did the only thing I knew to take her doubt away.

I took her face between my palms, inching our faces closer. I can already feel my body grow hotter by the second and we're not even doing anything.

I stared into her eyes long and hard, silently telling her I forgive her. Then I brought our faces even closer, enough to feel her breath fan my face.

Oh how I missed these moments, where it'd just be me and her, no one else.

I breathed her smell before finally letting our lips touch. I could feel my heartbeat skyrocket to my throat. I couldn't even fathom the sensations that ran through me. They all felt similar in a way but different at the same time. One ended between my thighs, the other attacked my heart, another ended in my mind making me swoon and feel lightheaded.

This is all too much but ironically I didn't want to pull away. I didn't want this to end. I didn't want this to just be another memory.

I want this forever.

I tightened my hold onto Mistress' face as I felt her pushing me backwards. I heard the closing of the door just as my foot hit something, making me sit on the bed. Mistress pulled away before pushing me down gently.

I couldn't slow down the beat of my heart. I could myself throbbing and before I knew it, something down there started bulging. I could feel blood rushing to my cheeks as I watched Mistress look down onto it.

I unconsciously bit my bottom lip when I saw the lust in Mistress eyes along with adoration and love.

We locked eyes and I looked away shyly. Mistress went over me with a playful smile plastered on her face.

This is so embarrassing.

My embarrassment then turned to shyness as Mistress touched my face and kissed my cheeks adorably.

I can feel her warmth coax me. Then I felt her hand rest on me making me gasp as sensations of pleasure coursed through my body making me unbelievably hard. My chest rising and falling quickly.

I can't believe this is happening.

How did the moment change from being serious to sexual?

I wouldn't know.

All I could think about in that moment was how I could make Mistress feel good without embarrassing myself further.

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