Chapter 8

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A loud bang from the door jerked me up from the bed. Fuck, my head hurts.

I felt around the bed, it's wet! Oh my god. I got up and tried to cover the mess I made with my measly blanket.

"Coming," I answered and immediately went to open the door.

I was met with the mischievous eyes of my adviser. "Well, well, well," her voice really is annoying, especially in the morning. Her features changed to her normal sassy-I-don't-like-you attitude.

Must have expected that.

"Get ready in 10!" She yelled as spit attacked my face then slammed the door.

She's one mean old hag, I tell you. I put my tongue out at her even though she can't see me. I ran a hand on my face and groaned.

Fuck my life.

If you haven't caught on, I'm a simple country maid whose having erotic dreams about her Mistress.

I go by the name Meg, short for Megara. I'm also a decent from one of the most rare creatures that graced the face of the earth - the futanaris.

Yes, I have both of the sexes within my system and right now, it's high in the sky as it is morning. Go figure.

I groaned as I could still vividly recall every single detail of the dream. But now is not the time to be ranting and groaning about it.

Got to go to work.

I fixed myself and did the usual morning routine. My daily outfit, at day, consisted of dirty, sweaty, gross, you name it, filthy maid's clothing, and by night, a scanty, flimsy sleeping dress.

It's not much but it's way better than to be a street prostitue or to live under a bridge, right?

I fixed my hair on a ponytail and tried to make myself look adequate.

As I stared back at my reflection, I could easily pick out the differences of what I have become from the last 5 years.

I started working here at the age of 15. I shouldn't even be saying "working" because I was sold by my own father for who knows how much at this large abode and was forced to work.

He was a drunkard. Got kicked out of his job. Got attached with recreational drugs. Guess he had no money, and drugs and alcohol seemed to be much more important than me, her own daughter.

Then this happened.

But I couldn't really blame him. The divorce made him that way. Since the divorce, I haven't really seen my mom and my little brother. And also my father from the day he left me here and told me that he loves me so much.


I still love him though. He's my father.

Tears started to well up from my eyes as the familiar aching in my chest returned. I kept them at bay and pushed all of the drama to the back of my mind.

Not right now.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

I went to meet the others at the staffs' lounge. Here, we are given our list of chores. For example, clean the stables and primp the garden, or perhaps, scrub Mistress' back with both of my hands, wearing nothing as we explore each other's anatomy...

I sighed as I took the list the old hag gave me as she continued her nonsense speech about making things proper and blah blah blah.

Then we were sent on our way.

Now let's see what torture that old fart has bestowed upon me.

Mop the great hall.
Rake the south garden.
Wash the dishes for breakfast.
Fetch water for the horses.

And so on and so forth... And finally...

Pick up Mistress' dirty clothes for the week.

Oh now I remember, it's sunday and we're not supposed to be working but all of us here are in need of cash, so here we are even though I'm the odd one out for I'm not paid. Food, clothes behind my back and roof above me is enough.

I guess you could say I learned the hard way. All of us here, learnt in hard way.

Now this is what I love about this job. I know it's not much but I get to see my lovely Mistress.

Our make love from my dream still hasn't left my mind one bit and now that I know I'll be entering Mistress' chamber later, the dream only seemed more appealing and imploring. It made my breath hitch, my palms to sweat and for my heart beat to race.

Today's not so bad at all.

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