Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Morning chores really drained the hell out of me. I haven't eased my growling stomach and it's already lunchtime. I clutched it and bent over to somehow relieve the hunger.

I'm practically bathed with my own sweat. My cheeks are burning from all of the work I did. My heart's racing. My knees are shaking and they feel like they're going to give in.

"Ugh! So gross," I mumbled as I wiped the sweat on my forehead with my sleeve.

I just finished mopping the fucking great, great, great!... hall, and when I say great, I meant large as three basketball courts combined kind of great. I'm exaggerating, probably, but if you have a growling stomach and sweat-bathed body, everything seems to be so much worse.

I heaved and went to collect the mop and the bucket. I walked back to put it away into the closet at the staffs' lounge ready to finish the remaining of my chores.

I turned around only to see Mistress glancing at me from over her shoulder.

My mouth formed an o and I frantically fixed my not so clean clothes in hopes of making me look decent which I'm sure is far-fetched. I licked my chapped lips and ran my hand all over my face to remove the remaining sweat and dirt.

I probably looked like a hobo with my skinny, pale physique.

My mind is running wild.

Quick! Meg, think fast!

I stuttered out, "Uhm... G-good morning, Mistress."

Phew! That wasn't so hard. I gave myself a pat in the back. It's such an achievement and an honor to be talking to Mistress.

She replied, "Good morning," gosh her voice sounds so divine, I must be dreaming.

Such simple words coming out of her pink lush lips made my heart beat mad and for my breath to hitch in my throat.

A white robe that looked so comfortable hugged her luxurious body, much like the one from my dream... It ended midthigh and I can see her long fuckable legs...

Oh gosh...

Then the dream had to remind of how I'm lusting over Mistress. It made me feel hot down there.

Her hair's up in a messy bun with stray hair around her sweet face. How she manages to look so beautiful in every simple way still surpasses my reeling mind.

I took a deep breath to calm myself and shook my head for good measure. I'm certain I'm sort of wet down there already...

Not from sweat, I tell you.

I smiled towards Mistress to mask the horrible truth which is that I'm flushed for her, "What brings you here, madam?" I fumbled with the end of my skirt.

My breath caught in my throat as she peered at me through half-lidded eyes, again, much like how she looked from my dream when she was about to cum...

Her piercing glare with her greenish-blue hue of eyes, it's so enchanting and captivating, it's as if I'm being hypnotised...

Fuck, control yourself Meg!

For a moment there I thought I saw something flash in her eyes, wonder, maybe.

Probably boredom.

I put a stray hair from the ponytail behind my ear and cleared my throat, "Are you in need of any assistance?"

She eyed me from head to toe and back. I feel so small under her intense gaze. I swallowed and realized my throat is so dry and patchy.

Right. I haven't even drank a drop of water since yesterday.

Mistress opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted even before she began, "What in the name of the holy sheep are you doing here?"

My adviser, Miss Noris came barging in from the door on my left.

The sight of her made my eyes hurt.

She walked towards me, completely unaware of the presence of Mistress, "Are you done with your chores?" Her shrill voice almost made my ears bleed.

I put my head down as the old fart continued her rant, "You do know you aren't allowed to rest unless you're done with all of your work, ain't that right?"

I looked up to see Mistress. Her body turned towards us as she watched the scene before her with amazement and curiosity in her eyes.


Probably it's amusing for her to see poor silly fools like me be yelled at.

"Get your ungrateful self out of here. Don't show yourself to me unless you're done. Understood?" I looked back at Miss Noris as she declared and pointedly placed a finger before me.

I nodded the way I have for the last five years, "Yes, Miss Noris."

A clear of a throat broke Miss Noris' rant.

If I'm not such a pity myself, I would have laughed at Miss Noris' face. It was hilarious. I stiffled and held it in instead.

This is going to be interesting.

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