Chapter 12

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This isn't happening. This isn't right. How did this happen? Am I dreaming? When did this even happen?

Questions swarmed my head like bees. Numerous questions but no answer. Not one.

I woke up awhile ago to find my arms strapped to the bedposts. I immediately thought that some sick bastard must have taken me and so panic settled its way in me but then I remembered Mistress, wrapping her arms around me from behind.

Then I was out.

I must have fainted... But that seems unlikely. How did I get here anyway?

Mistress must have sold me. I sighed at the thought.

I checked myself. I'm still clothed. With my maid outfit. I calmed down a bit but there's still the lingering fear of I have no idea what. Maybe, being killed and eaten by a psycho then my remains would be served to the dogs.

Now that seems probable...

I looked around at the dimly lit room. Not really seeing anything in particular even though my sight already adjusted. All I can really say is that the walls are white, there's a door in front of the bed a few meters away and a window covered heavily by some dark-colored curtain. Nothing else, besides the bedside lamp and the bed, of course. I couldn't really make out much.

Is this still even part of the mansion?

The scent of Mistress lingered in the air. I must be in her bed.

No it can't be.

I've seen it once when I cleaned her room. It was queen sized with maroon and black comforter. A canopy on top. The room also consisted and decorated of things.

Unlike this room. Devoid of anything.

But why?

I'm struggling at the moment to see if I can break out of the leather straps.

But to no avail. I just gave up. Ain't worth it.

I licked my chapped lips in contemplation as I thought of scenarios that could happen if the psycho that strapped me here finally showed up.

I took a deep breath and calmed my tits. Maybe, it's just false alarm and I'd wake up in my bed.

Oh how I wish...

I struggled and struggled but given my state, I'm officially weakened and drained and couldn't go on much further.

I have no sense of time anymore and tried as might, I couldn't really see through the window.

I'm guessing it's night time...

My stomach growled, "Ugh. Why the hell am I so miserable..." My voice doesn't seem to belong to me.

"Hello? Anybody there?" I tried yelling with my groggy rough voice.

I gulped and it hurt. I just laid my head back on the bed and closed my eyes. The straps are hurting my wrists. I feel so sore all over. I'm starving and I feel so gross.

I connected my eyebrows and thought of anyone that could do this. I haven't really made any enemies with the other staff. I never even talk to them, only if necessary. Then a thought came across me...

No way...

Is Mistress responsible for this?

I shook my head and cleared my head. She wouldn't do this. Unless...

Unless she needed money and sold me like what my father did.

The thought made me grimace. Well that would scar me for life. I'm already dead but I can still feel pain.

Now that's something really unprobable. She's rich as hell.

Maybe she's disgusted by me and had ordered someone to take me away to make my life much more miserable.

Or maybe my father took me and strapped me here... Lol... I have no idea what's what anymore.

The exhaustion and hunger and stress and fear and anxiety and pain's making my mind foggy.

Not having any intention to sleep but taking a nap doesn't really seemed so bad at the moment.

Maybe when I woke up I'd be in heaven. I wouldn't feel much pain if the psycho decided to kill me then, I'd be asleep.

This is too easy. Not.

I just hope if the psycho really decided to kill me, it would be fast and painless.

Soon enough, after moments of self-pity, I finally felt the blanket of sleep overtaking my body.

The face of my Mistress visiting my fantasy world once more. Oh how I missed her.

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