Chapter 13

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Waking up for the second time, I found myself anew. I guess the psycho that kidnapped me wasn't in for taking my life while I'm in a deep slumber. I suppose he has something up his sleeve, maybe torture me until I bleed to death...

That sounds inviting.

Stretching my arms, I found they are free. Touching my slightly bruised wrists, I grimaced when I felt a slight sting. I bit my bottom lip to supress the pain.

I peered down at myself only to discover I wasn't in the same clothes I wore last time. The attire hugging my body has an airy feel to it. My heart began to race. I couldn't see much for it is dark here and so I touched the garment. It's smooth and comfortable to the skin. This is nice of the psycho. But then he could have taken advantage of me while I'm knocked out... I gasped and wrapped my arms around me. My heartbeat banging inside my rib cage as panic rose up the pit of my stomach. I reached underneath the dress only to find that I'm devoid of undergarments.

With labored breathing, I squinted my eyes to see better. I looked at my right, a bedside lamp. Lighting it up, I can finally examine the room better. I wasn't in the same room I was before. A ton of bricks hit me as I picked up that the room is familiar, even the scent is familiar.

It's Mistress'...

Why? What am I doing here? Is this some kind of a joke? Am I in a deep state of coma or I'm just crazy that my brain is actually making me visualize this?

I stood up from the bed only for my knees to give up on me. Luckily, the pole of the bed supported me. I slowly padded towards what I assumed was a window. Parting it, the light coming from it gave me the idea it's daytime. I squinted my eyes and the view of the ranch and the stables filled my sight.

How long was I out?

My head started to ache from too much light and so I backed away from it only to stumble backwards. Instead of hitting the rug as I expected, a pair of arms caught me making my heart pump faster.

I immediately turned around, the action making me dizzy and my vision blurry. Closing my eyes, it took me a few seconds to clear my thoughts. Before I could open them, I heard steps coming my way.

I groaned out putting my hands in front me, "Don't come near me," my voice rough, my throat as dry as the Sahara desert.

I need water. I coughed harshly. I swallowed. Ugh. I took several deep breaths.

"You need to rest," a woman's velvety voice reached me.

Opening my eyes, I peered at Mistress. What? No psycho?

I really am out of my mind.

"Mistress?" I croaked just to be sure my mind isn't making this all up.

Her piercing eyes looked so gentle, "Rest, I'll send the maids to aid for you," and as if on cue, my stomach growled.

Smothering the embarassment, "Water," I tried to say.

My head is spinning. My heart's racing. I can't breathe. This is all too much. What is Mistress doing here?

Retreating steps could be heard as I went to sit at the edge of the bed.


I took the glass and sipped. The liquid passing down my throat. It's like the first fresh of air after having to smother your breathe, like the first ray of light after being confined in the dark for so long. It was refreshing. I gulped down the drink. My breath finally went to its normal pace but not the confusion swirling in my mind.

"Thanks," I murmured as my eyes traveled from the floor up to Mistress' figure.

Her hourglass form ingrained in my mind's eye.

She took the glass from me. Our hands barely touching, had the greatest effect on me.

"What is going on? Why was I tied on a bed?" Confusion overtaking my system. Tried as I might to make sense of it all, I simply cannot when everything that has happened from the last few hours still left me baffled.

A small smile planted its way unto Mistress face, "I'll tell you everything later. Now, go and make yourself comfortable. Take a shower if you'd like," why is she doing this?

"Am I in trouble?" I asked as the headache is slowly leaving me.

"No," amusement swirled within her eyes.

"What happened?"

"Like I said, I'll tell you everything later. Shower," Mistress ordered and like clockwork, I nodded.

I couldn't say no to her when she orders me. It turns me on instead.

Remembering something, I looked down at myself. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that my member isn't up and about even though I just woke up.

Gosh that would've been embarrassing.

"Erm... Mistress," I called out before she could leave the room. Her backside facing me and I couldn't help but stare at her ass.

Sexy... I swallowed a lump of saliva.

A clear of throat broke me out of my somewhat kind of state of coma or trance or whatever. I looked up into Mistress' whimsical eyes. Heat ran up my neck to my face for having caught staring.

I can't help it.

A playful smile plastered on her flawless face, "Yes?" I even had to shake my head to clear my thoughts as heat spread throughout my body ending between where my legs meet.

Swallowing before actually answering, "Don't I... don't I have to go to my room?" I looked up timidly, not believing myself for feeling this way towards Mistress.

"Oh, haven't I told you?" Shaking my head no, she answered the gigantic question mark bold on my forehead. "This is your room now," she said before walking out, leaving me to bat my mind with confusion and questions. My eyes enamored at her amorous figure.

What in the world?

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