Chapter 15

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Mistress left me after much pleading or rather, whining from me that I can dry myself off. It's embarrassing how determined she seemed to be in doing such simple task.

"I'm a big girl now," I remember saying shyly, hiding in my curtain of hair.

Her piercing greenish-blue eyes stared at me long enough to make me uneasy in my own skin but in a weird way, it felt good knowing I had her undivided attention.

"Okay, I'll be outside," I recalled her saying before kissing me on the cheek and sauntering out of the room with her long sexy fuckable legs. The action made my cheeks hurt a bit from smiling too much. What has possessed Mistress to be like that with me? She must be out of her mind.

A smile brought its way unto my lips at the memory...

What's gotten into her? It's as if she's almost acting like a lover... a mother, perhaps. Now that the word 'mother' passed through my head, a memory resurfaced from wayback.

"Come here," she said.

I jumped and happily strode to where she's sitting at the edge of my bed. I just finished showering.

I remember asking, "Mommy, do you love daddy?"

"Yes, darling... with all my heart. Just as I love you and your baby brother, Jonathan," I recall her saying. I'm not quite sure if her words dripped with lies or not 'cause I can't see her face. But judging where I am right now in present, I'll be leaning to the side of lies.

I smiled from ear to ear after hearing her say that, warmth spreading from within my chest to the tips of my fongers and toes, "I love you, too mommy," I turned around and hugged her with my short arms.

Sound of footsteps from outside of the bathroom reeled me back to the present.

Wearing a robe, I walked out of the bathroom to be greeted by my fellow staffs. I do not know much of them personally, only by appearance and name. I'm not really the outgoing friendly type but they're all nice, atleast I think.

I haven't seen Mistress since she came out of the bath... Where is she? Look at me, getting attached already. I rolled my eyes at myself.

"Please take a seat, m'lady," Brenda, or so I thought her name was, came forward pointing an open palm directed to a chair infront of a mirror. Brenda is like your loving grandmother, but younger. She's atleast late thirties.

"What? Why?" I asked with my brows furrowed. M'lady? Seriously? This is absolutely ridiculous.

She pushed me towards it and forced me to sit, "Mistress' orders," she said that made me nod my head.

Like I said before, can't say no to that.

"Where is Mistress taking me?" I asked, confusion clear on my forehead.

"Oh you have no idea, do you?" She said with amusement.

I shook my head no and looked at her through the mirror, "What is happening?" I said as I gestured at the mess of running staffs here and there. I saw a bunch of them carry in numerous boxes with a particular one. A white rectangular box. A red bow on top.

Brenda just smiled weakly at me and proceeded to fix my hair, "What are in those?" I asked directing to the several boxes.

"Shush now and let us do our job."

"But what about my job?" I asked as I peered at her.

She sighed as she put her hands on my shoulders, looking at me with her warm brown orbs through the mirror, "Your job now, is to make Mistress happy," then went to comb my hair.

What the fuck? Make Mistress happy? Is she fucking with me?

Probably seeing the look of question mark all over my face, with a sigh, Brenda gave a clue, "What did Mistress say to you?"

"That she's taking me out."

"Well, if walking and having a picnic in the garden is in the context of taking you out, then I guess, she'll be taking you out," she said entertained.

"Oh," was all I said.

After a few minutes of making me look and smell nice, Brenda accompanied me down the many halls towards the dining hall. They did a great a job. They made me wore, after much resistance, a flowy sundress that hung midthigh. Lace and flowers decorated the dress. It's comfortable and not itchy to the skin. I like it. Last I wore a nice garment like this was when my family had our last breakfast as a family...

How depressing... and weird enough, ironic.

Pushing the thought away as far as possible, I let positivity run through me. This is a first in five years. I should enjoy this. For all I know, I could be dreaming.

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