Chapter 21

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Light streamed through the window as I slumped in the corner of my bed, hugging my knees. Scrubbing my eyes from crying too much, I felt my weaken state.

I can barely lift my arm and move it. My mouth felt dry and clammy at the same time. My lips are cracked and chapped. My eyes are probably half closed, I have no idea. My breathing is slow and steady, but still... too slow for my liking.

It's like I'm forcing myself to breathe.

For the last week since I woke up, I've been thinking.

Again, too much for my liking.

From all of the things that could happen to a person, why does it feel like I have it worse than anyone else?

Let me summarize it all.

First, my parents divorced. Forcing me to part from my mother and little brother. Then the event made my father a drunkard, losing his job and selling me for alcohol. For the last five years, I became a slave for a rich family. A week ago, I just learned that my Mistress has an affection towards me and is the reason why I'm here in the first place.

But... there's always a 'but'.

But what if she didn't interfere with my life? Would I have it better? Or worse?

I have a feeling that I'd have it better. With my father.

It is because for the last five years, I lived under the impression that I was meant to be a slave. Without knowing that I can get my ass out of this place and leave whenever I feel like it.

But why did I stick around until now? Why am I still feeling this way towards my Mistress. Why am I still pondering on the thought of loving her? Why can't I just leave and forget this all hapened to me?


Maybe it's because deep within me, I want my love for her blossom.

Maybe here on out, the grass would be greener.

I heard a knock on the door an like clockwork, I heard the beautiful voice of my Mistress.

She called out, "Meg," but is met with my silence.

I've been doing this for the last week to see if she would grow sick of my childish acts.

I guess it's time. She's been nothing but sweet and caring to me. I've forgiven her a few days ago. I could never stay mad at her but rather towards myself.

I'm mad at me for being so naive and weak. Maybe it's time for me to take the giant leap towards the open arms of my Mistress.

I heard my name once again before deciding to go and confront her at the door.

I can feel my stomach doing somersaults. My hands clammy and my whole body weak. I feel like I'm gonna be sick.

It's been a week since I last saw her and I bet she's as beautiful as ever. Me, on the other hand, probably looked like something resembling a wrinkled potato.

"Please... open the door," her voice sounded closer and desperate at the same time. This time I heard a whisper that broke off all of my resolve.

"I missed you."

The sound of creaking door filled the silence.

Lifting my eyes from the marble floor, I gazed eye to eye with the love of my life. The moment stilled, captured, ingrained in my mind's eye forever.

My Mistress' eyes filled with shock and relief. Her mouth resembling a gaping fish but whatsoever, she still looked breathtaking.

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