Chapter 11

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"Shit... Dang!" I muttered to myself as I could feel every pump of my heart. Blood rushing, making my body hotter. Breath, heavy and labored. I put my hand on my forehead to feel lingering cold sweat.

Miss Noris is going to kill me...

I made my way through the many hallways and turns of the mansion. It really does take a while to go to Mistress' chamber.

I wonder if she has a secret entrance... Now I'm being ridiculous.

After numerous rounds, Mistress' chamber finally came into view. Double door with intricate carvings of various patterns stood in my way.

I wonder what could she be doing behind these closed doors...

Coming into my senses, I fixed my hair and clothes, evened my breathing, wiped the dirt from my face and tried to make me look at least, attractive.

I scolded myself for, well, being me.

I'm already late and instead of knocking already, here I am wasting much more time by getting my hopes up and try to make me look attractive in the eyes of Mistress.

I shook my head at myself and smiled a little. Even though I'm pretty certain that Mistress will never take a liking to me, I'm still here, being pathetic.

My internal huff was interrupted as I could hear footsteps on the other side. It's coming... towards my way...

I gasped as I felt anxiety settle in. My hands began to shake. My heart's beginning to pound. My palms began to sweat. I gulped to lessen the lump that has formed in my throat.

Fuck. Calm yourself, Meg!

Breathe in, breathe out... Whoo... Okay, okay...

Gosh. What would she think of me... I've been kind of standing here for quite a while, ten minutes, perhaps?


But even before my mind could formulate some kind of action that would lessen the probability of making me look like a fool, the door opened.

My mouth hung open, eyes wide, breath hitched as a gasp left my lips.

Oh my...

I have seen an angel...

Mistress looked so regal, it seems as though she's untouchable.

Maybe she is, for me anyway...

The light that seeped through the window behind her made her look almost golden. She looked so fine, it's almost deadly. Her intense gaze unperturbed by my presence.

As for me, I'm very much surprised.

I blinked but couldn't seem to shake the trance I'm in. What's happening to me?! I'm probably salivating with how my mouth is hanging open.

My gaze went further down her splendid body...

Atop her breasts teased my core. Her cleavage looked too delightful I can stare at it all day.

My eyes went further down where the cloth hugged her body like second skin. Her curves are showing out as if coaxing me to come forward. Her house gown looked so simple yet so... alluring... I wonder what sight it beholds underneath...

I caught myself and where my thoughts are leading me as a clear of throat brought me back to my pityful reality...

Shit! What was I thinking?

I could already feel the heat surfacing above my cheeks.

Mistress simply looked at me, "I've been expecting you," how is it so that her voice captivates me every single damn time?

I wouldn't know.

I cleared my throat, "Er... Yes, I'm here to pick up your clothes, Mistress."

Her left perfectly sculpted brow raised up as if questioning my very existence.

Well if I were her, I would too...

But nevermind.

"Yes, come in," she stated as I made a beeline to enter.

Once I stepped foot, her scent filled my nostrils and I absentmindedly took a deep breath.

God I'm such a creep.

"Erm... h-how did you... um..." I cleared my throat, "How did you know I was behind your door?" I asked just to have an excuse to talk to her.

She closed the door behind me as I looked around her room.

It's very spacious. As expected for the only daughter of the Don. The view of the ranch and the stables could be seen through the large windows, with its drawn red curtain. It's beautiful, breathtaking even.

Just like my Mistress...

Exquisite paintings, vintage but quite modern furnitures could be seen. They all look so expensive...

I better not touch...

Not even Mistress... Tsss.

Shut up, me.

Mistress took a seat at the maroon couch in front of me then smirked, "You're not quite discreet, you know," she peered at me.

Her pink plump lips connecting with the glass. Now I'm jealous of the glass cup. I wish I was the glass cup...

I sighed then shook my head lightly.

She's probably drinking her million dollar wine. I wouldn't know.

"Right," I just muttered then looked around, "Erm... I'll go right ahead then," then flashed a nervous side smile.

I thought I saw something in her eyes...

I turned and went on my way to her bathroom. I could feel her burning stare behind me but, probably not. I picked up the hamper and proceeded towards her figure.

I breathed deeply, "I'm going, Mistress. Have a nice day," I went to turn around but was stopped when a hand snaked around my waist, pulling me backwards.

A gasp left me. The instant her body touched mine, warmth surrounded me ending to my core.

What now...

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