Chapter ~| 24

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The night had finally come and Dutch was ready to relax and forget about the weirdness of the past week and a half. She'd prefer it if life would just go back to normal. To where Ike wasn't a girl, or actually named Crest, or actually a murderer and kidnapper. To where her brother wasn't falling in love with her guard (because typically her guards were male and she didn't have to deal with that sort of thing). Really she'd just like her dad to come back from the wars and be her dad, like he was before their mother died. Of course, if she was going to continue being honest with herself, she might as well wish her mother was still alive. That'd make it all the more bearable.

She could barely focus on her friends' conversations. She'd learned the art of listening without comprehending a long time ago. She knows where to agree or disagree by voice volumes, where to laugh, where to pout, where to sympathize, where to argue. Her friends don't even realize she's not listening. When reality smacks her, she knows they don't care. They're more concerned with talking and talking and talking. Because hearing their own voice is better than being considerate.

Where is Ike? It was an odd thought, especially when she meant her guard and not the man she thought had that name. Whom she thought loved her. But Dutch was slowly realizing she liked her guard, or at least respected her, like one respects their cheek-pinching grandmother. Right then Dutch was missing her strong silence. The way she didn't have to say anything to be helpful or a true friend. Maybe Dutch had always liked her, but she wasn't being that honest with herself.

"Where are you going?"

Dutch had barely realized she was walking away until Ivory's shrill voice had woken her. Where was she going? "I just remembered I have something to discuss with my guard." She kept herself from frowning. That had sounded true, but what was she needing to talk to her about?

Ivory scoffed. "I'm sure it can wait. You have to hear the rest of how I talked with your brother and his responses."

Dutch rolled her eyes and faced the tall brunette with a bored expression. Is that really what they'd been talking about? "I'm sure it'll end just the same as the last times you've talked to him. He doesn't like you, Ivory, might as well give up."

She didn't know where the smart-mouth came from, but she kind of liked it.

Ivory did not. The tips of her long Elven ears were turning a deep shade of red, her bottom lip forming a sneer. It made her look more like the beast she rode than the elegant lady she pretended to be. Everyone knew her father had bought her position into the school, and the only reason she had friends was because she was a leech and most everyone was too polite to tell her off. Well Dutch was done. She was tired of all the crap that spewed from Ivory's mouth and all the pride in her ears that prevented her from hearing anyone else.

There was silence among the group of girls around them. Looks of shock were very present but some held praise. Only Ivory looked like she was about to blow her top.

Dutch curtsied (because she was still a lady), and walked off.

Ike was leaning lazily against the same column she'd been standing at all day. She looked tired and slightly in pain. Dutch felt like slapping herself. Not Elf (with their fast healing abilities) plus deep wounds equaled Ike on the verge of fainting.

"I'm ready to retire."

Ike's brow went up, her pale-eyes full of disbelief. But it was true. Dutch was done with her "friends," done with the party, and done with being a brat. Still looking incredulous, Ike pushed herself away from the column and casually placed a hand against it. Dutch saw through the façade. The woman was in pain.

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