Chapter ~| 10

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Three Months Later

With only a month left until winter break, Dutch is glad of the surprise she found outside her room after a long tedious day of pre-exams. I am not however. Crest Inkwell doesn't ever make me glad. I am pleased to say that my dislike of Dutch does not stem from her infatuation with my enemy. She obviously doesn't know who he is.

Because Crest came to visit, it was only proper that Sorn came too, so a small party has been ushered into Dutch's room and I've been commanded to stay inside.

I don't know how long that'll last. Hearing Sorn and Dutch all call Crest; Ike makes me want to puke and holding back heated glares is getting harder and harder.

"Ink!" Crest calls, waving a glass in my direction. He wants me to come over, but I remain put in the door's shadow, just lifting my brow to indicate I heard him. "I hope my little bird hasn't been too much trouble."

While I hold back a gag, Dutch answers with a pout. "Of course I haven't. I've been an angel."

Again I swallow down bile. Sorn also looks disgusted, but his reasons are much different than mine. He's upset as a brother upon hearing his sister flirt with her lover.

Livery enters from the bedroom. She'd been asleep, if her wild hair is any evidence. She looks as surprised as Dutch did when seeing Crest, and it seems her surprise is directed at the same person. Her skin pales and eyes round in fear. Crest hasn't seen her yet. With quick strides, I make sure he doesn't and lead her back into the bedroom.

"Are you okay, Livery?" I try to make my concern real, but I'm too curious. "What's wrong?"

Livery is a pretty girl, small in stature but with a strong voice. Her smile is sweet. If I've learned to enjoy anyone's company while here, it's been Livery's.

"Nothing, nothing." She says, waving me off and pressing long fingers to her temple. "Just a slight headache."

"Livery." The scratch in my voice deepens my demand for a straight answer. She straightens, sighing softly.

"I have faint memories of him, that man in there. Only" She shakes her head, her eyes squinting with an expression of pain. "No. It's not him."

I step forward when her resolve to walk past me appears. "Livery." I say quietly. "What's his name?"

She looks at me, her green eyes bright with memories. "Crest. Crest Inkwell."


I don't let Livery leave the bedroom until Crest has said his goodbyes and his steps are no longer heard in the hall. If he were to know she's here, he'd be quick to get rid of her. No one asks why I vanished to the bedroom or why Livery never came out to join them, they're both too distracted. Sorn scolding his sister and Dutch ignoring her brother. I missed the first half of her discipline, and don't try to catch the rest. I do hear the name 'Ike' quite a few times though, so the topic is not lost on me.

Sorn leaves and Dutch calls for Livery. With her back to us, Livery slips back into her maid-in-waiting position and I resume my post in the door's shadow.

As Dutch prepares for bed, I leave the room. Half an hour later the Night Guard relieves me of my post.

Now the night is mine.

Jax is waiting for me outside the Academy. He's quick to unfurl himself and prepare for a quick under-the-moonlight flying.

"Crest seemed grumpy." He notes. "Don't worry. I didn't eat him." I smile slightly. "I thought about it though." Now I chuckle softly.

"It's the thought that counts, I've heard."

"Well then he's dead."


[Note]: New character: Livery Ann, the maid. But who was she before? And will she be any help in the future?

Have a wonderful day,



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