Chapter |~ 15

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My heart pounds, my head throbs, my side is trying to eat me alive and my thigh feels like falling apart, but still I stare Sorn down, waiting for him to make up his mind. I wouldn't be able to stop him if he decided to go against me, but at the moment all I care about is Jax and the fact that he's still here. If I can't save Cloud, or even Livery, I can at least save him.

I suck in harsh breath, feeling my weight overpowering my strength. Sorn is there like he's been this whole time, and I feel some gratitude at that, if but a little. I gasp sharply as he pulls my arm over his shoulder.

"I have a feeling," he whispers. "Hindering you would not be good for my health."

I cough on a laugh. The situation doesn't call for it and I'm not one to laugh.

Down the hall we go, down the stairs we trip, into the court yard we stumble, and finally to the stable we stop. Jax paused in his destruction as soon as I left the building, but doesn't move until we come to a standstill.

Slipping away from Sorn I take a chance and stand on my own. Jax slithers forward, his long, scaled serpentine body wrapping around me. He hums, pressing his forehead to mine. If trust was a symbol, this would be how I see it. He picked it up from Cloud and I'm grateful for the touch.

"Did you eat him?" I gasp, barely holding myself up.

Jax shakes his head. "His men were tasty though."

I stumble back, nearly falling, my body trying to give up on me. I barely hold it together. "He's going to kill Cloud."

Jax's blue eyes darken, the lids narrowing. "No he's not." His voice is strong, the words stronger. Once again pressing his head to mine, my eyes shut at what he says next. "I'll make sure of it."

The only thing left is the cold wracking of my body as he takes off. I turn slowly to Sorn, who watches puzzled.

"Dragons." I chuckle and then fall.


[Note]: I'm sorry for all the short chapters. Sometimes I only need to get one thing across but want it in Ike's PoV and so it's short. But you get two chapters. Yay!!!

Don't let anyone ruin your day,



[Spoiler Alert]: I just finished editing (to the best of my abilities) ch. 24 and nearly died. Holy Grimm what am I doing to myself?

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