Chapter ~| 16

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Sorn heard her stir and glanced up from his book. It'd been a week and for the most part she'd been sleeping, only waking from nightmares or when Cloud had been brought in. Getting her to eat was nearly impossible, but with a little magic her body was tricked with nourishment while she slumbered.

Blazing, very much aware, frost eyes opened and stared at the ceiling. She didn't blink, didn't twitch, just stared. And so Sorn did nothing.

"Where is he?" Her voice was scratcher than normal, on the verge of a masculine huskiness. Sorn had a hard time listening to it, as the sound grated against his sensitive ears.

He cleared his throat. "We aren't sure."

Ike sat up slowly, holding her side and wincing. "Where's Jax?"

"Outside." Sorn snapped his book shut and stood, coming to hover beside her. "He and Cloud have taken to adventuring the fields and forests and I think enjoying it too much."

She shook her head. "Livery?"

He sighed softly. "There's been no trace of her. She's vanished just like Crest."

"Then I guess we better find them both."

Sorn nodded and took the chair in front of her. "We should and will. But there are two things that need to happen first." Ike glanced at him, blue eyes so pale and glossy she could have been mistaken for blind. "You need to eat and I have some more questions to ask."

She nodded slowly, looking past him and out the window. The only thing to see was a foggy window. The harsh blizzards and deep frost have set on the world like a cold, plush pillow.

There was a scraping at the door and Cloud shoved her head in. She yipped happily as she trotted over, bounding on the bed. She twisted and squirmed, working her way under Ike's arm and licking at her chin.

Ike did something unexpected then, and it nearly blew Sorn from his chair.

She smiled.


To the kitchen they went, where the cook had just prepared a meal for the Lord, the old, plum and happy woman immediately set to work on another plate upon their arrival and the notice of the guest being awake.

Ike looked uncomfortable in the woman's presence, avoiding questions – which was normal – and averting her eyes – which was not normal for the ornery female. She took a seat at the kitchen table rather stiffly, and didn't let her back face the room.

"I don't think Cynthia is going to poison your food." Sorn joked, keeping his voice low.

"She's too happy."

He blinked, astonished. "You're afraid because she's too happy?"

Ike glared, but surprised him when she answered; "I'm not afraid of her, merely the memories she brings."

"Like what?" He couldn't keep from asking. Knowing very little about her, he hoped he could keep her talking.

Her eyes became unfocused, staring where there was nothing of interest. "The only time my family was ever happy."

He hadn't expected that. Even before preparing another question for her, he knew she'd clamped up and wouldn't go any further into her past. So he dropped it. There were other important questions to ask. Like; "What's the connection between your family, the Inkwells and the Anns?"

"Our families are the oldest around, along with the Crowns."

"And yet you don't seem to age."

Ike chuckled without humor. "Makes for big family get-togethers."

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