Chapter 20

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Taehyung laid flat on his back as Jung kook ripped off his vest and discarded it at the other end of the small room. The man was all sweaty and beaten up. His torso bore a few purple and green bruises. There was no blood of his body, mostly because of his intense healing factor and vest that protected him. Taehyung flipped to his stomach and bruised his face into the soft mattress. He nuzzled into the material and gripped onto the sheets tightly.

He couldn't really move, the gear he carried was now very tight around his swelling body. He refused to take it off though, he felt that if he took it off, Jung kook might get a shock and everything he tried to forget might come rushing back. The brunette felt a spike of pain from the side, cursing as the old gaping wound reopened after fighting out there. His hand went to his skin and winced as the tips grazed the reopened wound. He could feel the skin under the fabric. He bit his tongue to make sure he will not cry out or whine.

"Are you okay?" Jung kook asked. Taehyung nodded his head, his face not leaving the mattress.

"Yeah." He replied, cursing silently as his voice came out scratchy and hoarse. He did not want to blow his cover, but he was very well doing the opposite of that. He turned around to afce Jung kook, only to see Jung kook's bare back facing him. Taehyung noticed red-brown lines at his shoulders, reminiscing the old scars the other male had when he got his artificial arm. Jung kook slipped into a white shirt and pulled it over his hip. "I'm... fine."

"You are a sh*tty liar." Jung kook argues. The walked up towards the bed and grabbed Taehyung's shoulders and flipped him around. The soldier yelled as he was now facing the ceiling and the bright light shining directly above him was very luminous and he sealed his eyes shut to block out the light. He could feel his uniform being zipped open and he immediately became wide awake and sat up, ignoring the fact that his wounds were folding and touching each other. He grabbed Jung kook's hands, which were on his chest and holding his zip.

"Woah... hey," Taehyung muttered, curling his fingers around the other male's wrists.

Jung kook ignored it and threw the black vest onto the ground. The other male pulled Taehyung's under shirt away, only to revealed bare skin. The brunette reached out and grabbed a pillow behind him, throwing it at Jung kook's face and grabbing another one from behind to cover himself. The soft pillow hits Jung kook's forehead and the male did not budge, he snatched the pillow off his face and let out a grunt.

"Stubborn b*tch." Jung kook cursed under his breath. Taehyung let out a small snicker and wrapped himself the pillow, taking note to hide the underside of the arms in case of Jung kook noticed it. He folded his legs and leaned forward, taking a good look at the other male's face before returning to his hunched position. The younger man pursed his lips and grabbed Taehyung's arms and forced it open, he nudged the pillow away and it tumbled to the ground. The assassin silently searched under the bed and pulled out a medical box. Taehyung tried to hide by inching further into the sheets but Jung kook held him in place. He rubbed his hands nervously, scared that he would be scolded. Or even worse, found out.

Jung kook commanded him to lift up his arms and Taehyung did as told. He found the side of Jung kook very alluring, similar to the one he felt a long time ago. There was that tinge of annoyance and care in his usual monotonous voice. Jung kook ripped apart bandages with his teeth, throwing the bandage wrapper somewhere on the white bedding. He leaned in closer and Taehyung could feel the man breathing on his skin. The warm breath tickled his stomach and his elbows dropped, earning a sharp huff from the other male. Jung kook unraveled the bandages onto his hand and began wrapping around Taehyung's torso.

"You sure this is right? No disinfectant?" Taehyung asked, unsure if what Jung kook was doing was the right way of patching somebody up.

"I am pretty sure your healing factor could help you a little bit. Plus, other agents you have there need it more than you do." Jung kook reasoned. Taehyung looked away, he knew his healing ability has been shut off completely after having that little treatment from Arrowway. After about 4 rounds of wrapping, Jung kook tied a knot with his shaking fingers. He cursed as his hands constantly shook, unable to thread the small length of bandaged into a loop he made. Taehyung watched as the soldier struggled, wanting to help but he knew that Jung kook did not ask for any help in the first place. He did not want to seem ungrateful for what Jung koom had done for him.

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