Chapter 14

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"Are you doing alright?"

"No," Taehyung replied flatly. "I saw him."

"It is impossible. He is dead, you saw him yourself." Hoseok said, sitting himself down in front of the Taehyung. The soldier took his hands off his eyes and looked at Hoseok, not saying a word. He dropped his hands to his lap, fiddling and pulling his long fingers.

"Stein... Project Red Star. Stein experimented on him. Whatever... whatever he did to my friend... it helped him survive the fall. He must have found him." Taehyung continued, not believing in anything. "He looked at me and he did not even know me."

"It's not your fault."

"Even if I presumably lost everything, family, home, my freedom... I had Jung kook."

Taehyung leaned back against the tree, looking up the leaves which covered up the morning sky. He felt cold, even colder than the weather it self. Hoseok generates a shield the premise, waving his hand as a large sphere surrounded them and a light shimmer could be seen in the air. Taehyung felt warm, he pulled up his knees and wrapped his arms around them, he looked tired and strained.He rested his head on his knees, looking at Seokjin and Jimin on the next tree. He saw a stir next to them, the movement in the trees was irregular. He squinted his eyes and his shot up, looking around and perking his ears up to pick out any sound that seemed strange and out of place.

He went towards the unconscious duo and grabbed his shield slipped into the worn out leather. He stalked towards the tree, stepping out of the protection ring around the area. He looked around, the trees got a tad darker and the crows squawked and flew into the sky. He saw someone shuffling and hiding back in the bushes.

"COME OUT!" Taehyung demands. His voice ringing out into the air, his voice echoes around the area, bouncing back and forth. "If you are brave enough to stalk us from here, you are able to face me." He saw something glisten beside him. He was tempted to throw his shield, but it would be too risky if it gets stolen. He looked around and spotted another gleam at the corner of his eye.

He heard something load up and he immediately throws his shield towards the sound. He heard something getting hit and he ran towards where his shield went. The metal plating was impaled into the tree bark, almost chopping it down with one swipe, Taehyung pulled it off, his shoe on the trunk and he yanked it off the bark. He noticed a tuft of black hair on the other side, a gun laid dented and broken beside his shoe. A gloved hand reached out for it shakingly, but Taehyung kicked it away before whoever could even reach out of it.

The weapon skidded across the ground and disappeared into the bushes a few feet away. Taehyung got to the other side of the tree and saw the soldier he had encountered with before. His metal arm wrecked and little burnt, the metal was not as shiny as before and the red star was fading away, along with scratch marks all over it. The man was looked the brunette, he pressed against the tree as Taehyung squatted down. His back was pressing against the tree bark and he was getting even more terrified by the second. Taehyung reached out for Jung kook's face but the other male grabbed his menacingly, threatened by it.

"It's me. Don't you remember?" Taehyung tried out, trying to keep his tone soft and caring. "I am Kim Taehyung, you are Jeon Jung kook."

"No. I don't know you... and you are my mission." Jung kook replied. Taehyung bit his lip, knowing that getting Jung kook back on track would be difficult for him to do so. He grabbed Jung kook's hands and began swaying it around gently, just like how they would when they were younger. Jung kook looked down and stared at his moving hands, his normal hand trembled and curled into a fist when Taehyung smiled at him.

Taehyung has pushed away from Jung kook and he lost his grip with the man. He got up slowly, seeing Jung kook muttering to himself, rocking back and forth and his hands digging into his scalp. He was muttering something repeatedly, his voice cracking when he began to sob.

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