Chapter 13

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Taehyung got rid of the rest of the guards and ran towards the Winter Soldier. He aimed at the brunette, who deflected the small explosion in the middle with his shield but he got blown off his feet. The man got up, groaned as his arms hurt. He looked at it, his sleeves were burnt and tattered her hands were trembling in fear.

He spotted Seokjin's boot, but the assassin remained hidden behind a vehicle. Taehyung ran towards the soldier, his eyes shot wide, and he dropped his gun and deflected Taehyung punches. His hair flying over his forehead and eyes. His punches were fluid and deadly, his metal arms moving alongside with him as he took on opportunity to get a hit in. Taehyung could pick up gears and mechanics moving as the soldier threw a quick punch.

The solider turned and bolted away, grabbing the gun that laid a few meters away from him. He got towards the car that Seokji was hiding behind of. Taehyung got shocked and acted too rashly. AS he was climbing up on the car, the soldier loaded his gun and aimed at Seokjin. The brunette caught sight of a tuff of blonde hair at the corner of his eye and picked up on speed, running towards the enemy and bringing the shield down with him. It hits the man's shoulder and he stumbled, he fired rapidly at Taehyung's direction who defelcted it with his sheild, the pressure and sound were immense.

His metal arm glistened under the sun. He has snow in his hair. His dark and lifeless eyes seemed to have a certain gleam that Taehyung once knew. The mysterious man discarded the empty gun and pulled out a smaller one that was behind his back, empty bullet shells rolled off the hood of the car and onto the ground. The gold coating looked like droplets of the sun. He aimed at Taehyung as the brunette got up and ran off, ducking behind cars and buses to protect himself from the bullets. He spotted Seokjin running away, his hand on his shoulder and blood was running down his pale hand.

Taehyung got out of his hiding spot and The man noticed him, firing again until his bullets go empty. Taehyung ran towards him and kicked the gun away from his hands, the weapon skidded against the ground. Unexpectedly, the male pulled out a hand held the gun from his belt ad began firing. Taehyung smashed it with his shield the soldier gripped it tightly, the brunette hand to let go of his only weapon. He saw the soldier defending himself with it. The stance and positioning itself made Taehyung thought of something, of someone. He looked at him, his eyes narrowing. Taehyung was not quite ready, he could feel his arms and wounds bleeding heavily, however, he did not dare to look away to check.

The man threw the shield and it narrowly misses Taehyung's head, hitting and getting itself stuck at the back door of a van. Noticing that he did not have any type of strong happen anymore, Taehyung was actually getting a little hope on getting rid of the man. His hope and arrongance finally faded away whne he pulled out a ouble edge knife from his boot. Taehyung threw a punch first, and the man followed it with a stab near the face. He swiped up, which Taehyung deflected it with his arms. It was an awful mistake, the thin sleeves were cut wide open and it revealed new and fresh lines on the arms, the direct opposite of the ones he had the day before. The soldier stabbed again, Taehyung ducked this time. There was two up and below which the brunette did his bes to dodge and counter his attack. But the man was fast, too fast to be fuly human. His arm was helping him out a lot, the gears were moving quickly and he flipped the knife over and over again like it was just something he would normally do.

There was one fell sipe oner Taehyung head, but he ducked just in time to land a punch onto the enemy's jaw. His head shot up and he stumbled backward, a little fazed. Taehyung took the chance and punched again, this time he flew towards a car and Taehyung kneed him in the stomach, causing him to crash into the car window some more until it breaks and cracks. Glass matted all over his hair and vest. The soldier's hand shot forward and grabbed Taehyung's neck, the metal fingers wrapping around his skin was cold and rough. Taehyung gasped for air and and hand his hand around the man's hand. He could feel air leaving his system. He was pushed against a car and the grip on his throat was still there, he man pulled out another knife from his back and he forced it towards Taehyung face.

He could see the blade a few centimeters away from his eyes and he manages to push it to the side of his face. The soldier decoded to stab the blade into the metal of van and move it towards Taehyung's cheek, the other male ran along the van, not wanting his face to get cut open or gain a few more decorations on his face. They reached the end of the van and Taehyung ducked and went through the crook of the soldier's arm, wrapping his arms around the enemy's waist and flipping his over to get an open space for himself. He spotted his shield at the end of the van and grabbed it.

Before the soldier could do anything else, Taehyung grabbed his mask and kicked him away. He threw the black mask away, it rolled on the ground. The man tucked and rolled, he stood up slowly, Taehyung was getting ready to face whoever was behind the mask. He turned around and Taehyung was definitely not ready for anything that stood behind the masks. Sharp features, dark eyes, black hair and dull colored lips.

"Jung kook?" Taehyung asked, his voice shaking. He could not believe it, the man that was standing in front of him was the same man that he saw die. He had the exact sam features, only his eyes seemed very dead and emotionless.

"Who the hell is Jung kook?" He said, his emotionless eyes not moving at all. He loaded up the last gun he had stored and was going to aim at Taehyung. The brunette saw the gun being pointed at his head, but he did not move. His system was shutting down on him. He was in awe, shock, and disbelief. He did not want to look, but he just pictures Jung kook killing him. It was retribution.

He did not get to save him from the train, so that meant he was supposed to pay for whatever he had done before. Jung kook killing him would be the best punishment he had received. Jung kook was going to pull the trigger, but something kicked him away. Taehyung looked up and saw Hoseok floating in the air with Jimin on his back. Gold light pooled around his feet.

Jung kook got up quickly and his eyes were shaking now. The black orbs were moving around in his eyes frantically. He looked away, his eyes blown wide in confusion. He breathed heavily, he took a quick look at Taehyung before deciding on firing again. But he has intercepted once again, a small missile shot from behind Taehyung. The brunette saw Seokjin holding one of the weapons Jung kook used before. He leaned against the wrecked bus limply, his posture slackened. There was an explosion at the car where Jung kook had landed. Hoseok dropped from the ground and might caught blood from Taehyung's arm, he was about to walk towards him when the brunette rushed off for Seokjin.

The assassin stumbled towards Taehyung, grabbing his injured shoulder. The man was not bleeding heavily, but enough to cause great pain. Taehyung peeled Seokjin's off his bleeding shoulder and examined the wound, ripping out his already tattered sleeves and wrapping it around the wound for a make shift gauze. It was definitely unsanitary and it should be treated carefully, but they did not have the time to do so anymore. He brought Seokjin up on his back and walked towards Hoseok, his eyes never leaving Taehyung's arms.

"You did it, didn't you?" Hoseok asked, clearly mad. "You did it even I told you not to?!"

"I didn't do it." Taehyung grumbled, shifting his hand to hide his arms.

"I will find out anyway." Hoseok bite back.

They began to walk away and Hoseok took charge of them being transported without seen. They settled near a shady forest, the trees were providing them some shelter. Taehyung sets Seokjin down next to a tree and Hoseok set Jimin down gently. The soldier threw his shield to the side, clearly he did not want to see it anymore.

He got near the edge of the forest, leaning against a huge trunk and furrowing his eyebrows. He slides down the thick trunk, feeling the rough wood behind his back. He covered his face, his plan digging into his eyes. There were flashes across his eyes and the red star were enlarged in front of him.

He saw the vision again. Jung kook falling and the fear in his eyes that was shown to Taehyung multiple times. It was compared with another vision of Jung kook's new appearance. His dark eyes that seemed emotionless, but it was full blown with confusion and uncertainly once Taehyung saw him without the mask.

"Jung kook...Please come back to me..."

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