Chapter 6

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The soldier ignored his name being called and continued walking towards the main entrance. He tried to block out whoever was calling and replacing it with the smooth jazz that was being played through the speakers in the lobby. His boot squeaked against the marble floor and he flinched as a warm hand was placed on his shoulder.

He turned and saw Hoseok behind him, his black hair neat and his uniform was freshly pressed. He mustered a small smile as he tried to get Taehyung to talk. The soldier explained that he would be getting back home, staying in Germany was making his agitated. He hated being on foreign soil, he felt that he did not belong here at all. Hoseok decided to accompany him back, since there was already Seokjin and Jimin to take good care of Yoongi.

"What are you planning to do? Seokjin has already reported the situation to Namjoon, we don't have an order to find that man. Much less take care of him." Hoseok warned. "You know what happens if you disobey orders."

Taehyung nods as he exited the huge lobby, his boots squeaking against the marble floor. He got onto a helicopter which was parked at the helipad. Hoseok followed suit, sitting himself beside the soldier and started talking animatedly, casting spells into the air and creating little animals that ran around freely, going through Taehyung's hair and perching on top of his shoulders. The yellow mist really made Taehyung cheer up a little. It was rare to see him smiling genuinely in front of his teammates.

"You can tell me, you know." Hoseok said. "I didn't look into your mind, I know better than doing that." He said as he created a small rabbit on his palm.

"I'd rather not."

"Noted and respected."


When they reached the home base, it was terribly empty. There was no one on the helipad to greet them at all. Unless you count the howling wind and bright lights as a form of a greeting, the two men received none. It was basically tradition, the team goes on a mission and returns with Namjoon or some close agents waiting for them on the roof.

The two got off the helicopter slowly, as Taehyung's boot touched the ground, he went for his shield, taking it off his back and attaching it to his arm. He knew something was off, the air was tense and the guards that were with them on the helicopter was sweating bullets and holding their weapons a little too tightly.

As they walked towards the door, there was a man that greeted them. They did not know him, he seemed foreign. There was this dull look that made Taehyung suspicious. He was definitely old in age, his hair with gray and white streaks, his skin was filled with wrinkles and some even started to sag down. However, his eyes burned with intensity.

He led them into an office which had multiple windows lined against the walls, the moonlight caster a monstrous shadow on him.

"Where's Namjoon?" Hoseok demanded, stepping forward. "What did you do to him?"

"Welcome back. Ah, that director of yours, he is just...a little troubled at the moment." He said, spreading out his arms. Taehyung noted how quiet the hallway was, there wasn't the usual bustling in the building. There were no recruits scampering around or any loud chatter. The man tided his red tie and fixed his grey suit before talking. "You see, we are conducting an investigation on who has wounded Yoongi, the famous inventor. I am his close friend."

Taehyung tightened his grip on a leather strap, he looked at that man, he did not really trust him, because Yoongi never mentioned him at all.

"Someone has injured my friend with an intention of killing him and I want to know why." He said, he puts on stress on the last word and Taehyung narrowed his eyes. Hoseok flared up, he saw a tinge of gold light behind him. "Did you know who injured him?"

Taehyung knew he had to choose his words carefully, he stood there in silence, but Hoseok jumped in. The man was angry and told the other stranger off, however, when Hoseok wanted to advance, Taehyung held him back.

"He told me not to trust anyone. That's his last words before going to Germany." Taehyung replied, looking at the man with a blank expression on his face. "I don't know who injured him."

"Are you sure?" The stranger asked, going towards Taehyung. The soldier nodded his head and walked past him, Hoseok following.

"He said not to trust anyone, that is including you. Now, if you would excuse me." Taehyung continued walking till he reached the glass door, that's when he heard the man speak again, his heart stopped momentarily but he turned around anyway.

"Someone tried to kill my friend and I want to know why and I would stop at nothing to bring justice." He warned, an accusative finger pointing towards the brunette.

"Thank you for the warning." Taehyung said, forcing out a smile. He turned towards the door and walked down, not registering that the stranger had ordered guards to catch and cage him. Taehyung got this feeling that he was being watched all over again. It was like an entity that did not like to be seen. The brunette got to the lift, where Hoseok override the system and they were cruising down the building. The night light cast on the glass made the metal cold. The box was beginning to feel claustrophobic.

Suddenly, the lift stopped abruptly, the two men was thrown of balance as the lift hung dangerously in mid air. Taehyung went towards the door and forced it open, placing his shield at the tiny gap and prying the heavy duty doors until it budged, revealing a tiny gap. He caught a glimpse of armed security carrying dangerous weapons and advancing towards him, their shoes thumping against the floor. Taehyung closed the door again, straining his arm muscles. The door was sealed shut and they were encase in that tiny box.

He looked around, they were trapped, the fall would be deadly, they could not risk themselves getting captured either. . There was a loud bang on the door, followed by a gunshot. There was a something poking out of the metal, later realizing it was shaped as a bullet. The two panicked. There was another loud thumb behind them, this time more powerful and forceful. Taehyung looked around and smashed his shield on the glass, the protective glass breaking and raining down below. some cutting sorying towards the two men. A gust of wind blew into the lift and Hoseok jumped out, levitating in the air and waiting for Taehyung to come towards him.

"You go and warn the others in Germany." Taehyung kept his voice soft and low, justin case the walls grew ears. "Meet me at the meuseum tomorrow, do not dress in gear."

"Are you sure? Will you be alright?" Hoseok asked, extending his arm out. "Do you need a ride?"

"I will be fine..." He saw the door getting wrecked behind him. "Go! GO NOW!" Just then, the door bursts open and Hoseok flew upward. Taehyung saw the guards loading up their guns and the old man he saw before walking towards him slowly.

"You wounded my friend, you are keeping something from me." He accuse, pushing past the guards.

"I didn't."

"Then why are you running?"

"Because you are conducting a man hunt for the wrong person." Taehyung said, stepping back, glass crunched under his boot. He spread his hand out and got to the edge, his heel dipping and the lifting tilting along with him. He felt the wind pushing against his back.

"What are you doing?" he demands, his grey hair matting on his wrinkled forehead.

"You are conducting a man hunt for me. This is your chance to hunt me down." Taehyung said, flashing a smirk. Taehyung leaned backward and free falled down the tall building, the wind pushing him up , the guards fired at him, grazing his side and arm, he turned and pressed the shield on his chest as the roof of a much shorter building came speeding towards him. He tucked and rolled against the concrete floor. There was a loud thumb as he pushed himself up slowly, noticing blood dripping to the ground, his gloved hand dyed in red.

He ignored the piercing pain and made his way down the building, jumping over to other buildings and noticing the sound of vehicles driving past and the bright lights causing his vision to be clouded over. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and spotted his home a few blocks down the road.


I hope you enjoy the story so far! :D

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