Chapter 30

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Jung kook tossed the necklace towards Seokjin's direction and the assassin caught it in mid-air, letting go of the younger male's arm. Jung kook took the opportunity and ran towards the man that was firing aimlessly now, he could tell, the bullets were running out, he would be at his very last shot soon. Jung kook dodged a fist and threw out a kick, hitting one of the opposing team's men right in the jaw.

He turned and grabbed an abandoned gun on the ground and began firing, trying his best to get himself across the level and towards the man. He made it across quickly and grabbed the figure's arm and pulled him out, as the firing began to pick up speed and sound, Jung kook ran out of decent ammo too, the bullets already started to wisp passed their ears and hair. Jung kook extended his arms and blocked a few bullets from his face. Sparks flew and the shells fell.

"Let's go! You are gonna get yourself killed if you continue to stay here and fight!" Jung kook shouted, reaching out to grab the man's arm, he whipped his head around and Jung kook caught a glimpse of the frenzy that was hidden behind the masked face. Almost immediately Taehyung's face came into view, but before Jung kook could say anything else, his own conscience, or instincts rather grabbed the man by the blazer and crouched behind one of the overturned tables. "Stay down. This is an order."

He looked through the possibilities he had at his own disposal, there were not much he could do, only to fight, hope, or die. The last choice did not really sound that appealing.

"I am bringing you your shield, keep an eye out for it." Jimin buzzed in. Jung kook peeked out from behind the table, he eyed the dance floor and listened for footsteps. He quickly took out his blazer and threw it to the ground, it was getting hard to breathe, with all dust that was entering his own system, in no time they will suffocate. Jung kook picked up his blazer and stuffed it into the man's hand, motioning him to cover his mouth. As the dust settled slowly to the ground, a shadowy figure popped out from the back of the table, and lunged for Jung kook's head, the man groaned as the hand snatched a few locks of his hair when he struggled to escape. He reached up and twisted the man's wrist, he then jumped back up and threw out a kick, before dodging another set of grabbing hands.

He grabbed a wine bottle that as rolling around and brought it down onto the figure's head, the glass cracked and pieces of green glass flew all over the place. Some of them chipped off and cut up Jung kook's hand, but he could not care less at that point.

"Shield incoming!" Jimin called out through the comms and Jung kook turned, catching a glint of metal that flew through the air, however, he turned when he was not supposed to. His stomach connected with a fist and he flew backwards, his shoulder slamming towards the hard ground before he rolled onto his back, the pain was consuming his abdomen.

"Jung kook!" The stranger yelled, trying to stand up. His coffee was muffled by coughing as he took the blazer away from his nose and mouth.

"You stay there, this is not safe for you! Get out of the strike zone!" Jung kook ordered, his healing factor sped up and the pain was dulled, he got up and saw the shield on the ground a few meters away from him. He crouched and charged, dodging a strike and did a sloppy roundhouse kick that only distracted the man. He swooped in just in time to grab the straps of his shield and protect himself from another shower of bullets. "Goddammit, they never run out of ammo, do they?!"

The bullets were beginning to pick up speed, the sound was starting to sting his ears and his hands were clammy around the leather straps. He took the risk and threw the shield towards the first shooter, it hits him in the throat and the man fell backwards. However, the other two weren't being any help to his own cause, a few bullets pricked his metal arm and ricocheted off, but at least three-quarters of his body was still flesh. He lurched forward and backwards, bullets throwing him off guard. He turned to find out who was attacking him but he was shot in the thigh and chest. Blood spilt all over his dress shirt and the smell of blood, dust and gunpowder filled his nose.

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