Chapter 1

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Taehyung was out and about, keeping his back pack on his shoulder as he walked down the bear empty street. He was supposed to meet up at the headquarters with his team, but they bailed on him at the very last minute. It was quite early in the morning, the sun had not risen up yet. The sky was still dark blue and the latter caught a few twinkle of stars up high in the dark and misty sky.

The boy had to walk to the building in the thick silence that he was not so used to yet. He liked talking, he like noise. The lack of people and cars on the street and roads were not helping him out either. He slowly trudged to the road crossing, waiting for the opposite light to turn green before he could cross safely. Taehyung let out a puff of air, a cloud of mist escaped from his lips.

He just realized how cold the weather was, his hands growing numb as he stuffed them in his jacket pocket. Taehyung looked around and saw the headquarters building standing big and proud at a few blocks away. He heard the loud beep from the indicator and Taehyung rushed to the other side, before resuming back to his normal walking pace.u

After about a few minutes, he took a look around again, there was still no one around him. It was all in a blur, the man was confused, he clenched his fist in his jacket pocket, trying to stay alert. He was somehow now very aware of his surroundings, each rustling of the leaves in the bushes or trees make him anxious. He picked up his pace, the usual packed street was making him uneasy. He jogged towards the building, keeping a watchful eye behind his back.

Once he ran down the bridge, linking the small street to the headquarters building, he sighed in relief, glad that anxious walk was over. He could not stand the screaming silence and the feeling deep in his gut of being watched by someone. He made his way to the main entrance, the glass door standing in front of him. Although it was really early in the morning, there were already many workers within the building. Talking and holding documents, some even carried guns knives.

He went to his bag and rummaged through its contents, he found a security card and swiped it at the side, allowing it to read his card and name. A monotonous voice filled his ears.

"Please enter the code." She said. Taehyung punched in a series of numbers into the key pad and the system beeped, opening the door. "Welcome, Kim Taehyung."

The male stepped into the building, he quickly went to the lifts. He could still feel the cold shudder when he was out walking. Some agents greeted him, some waved, some slapped him in the shoulder as a form of greeting. Taehyung just smiled back and made some jokes with the agents he had worked with before.He made his way to the lifts, he cast a shadow against the metal doors and used the silhouette to style up his hair, dusting off tiny specks of snow that had lingered on his hair. A satisfying "ding" could be heard and the door opened, Taehyung stepped inside and the eleavtor immeditaley recognized him.

"Kim Namjoon's office." He commanded. The elevtor closed shut and immediately began to move. He turned around and looked out of the glass wall, the building was so tall, he could see his apartment from the his elevator. He could see the park he visits every other day of the week and the museum further back of the park. He smiled and leaned against the glass, pressing his gloved hand on the glass like a little child.

The elevator let out another "ding" and came to a stop. Taehyung got out and was welcomed with a short hallway leading to his boss' office. He scampered towards it, hearing some muffled noises inside the office. His knocked slightly, twisted the knob and went into the room. He was about to greet when someone zipped past him, almost knocking him over.

"The old man's here." Someone joked. Taehyung turned towards the sound of the person's voice and glared at his team mate.

"Jimin, stop it. I am still 24 honestly speaking." Taehyung retorted, pointing at himself. "Being frozen for 70 years never aged me."

"But you are still 94, counting the brithdays you've missed." Another butted in, punching Taehyung in the shoulder. That was Hoseok, the over hyperactive man who seemed to be the least harmless actually have the ability control minds of anyone and use them for his own. "I would be sad, 70 birthdays! So much cake."

"Well, you need to catch up old man. We are techinally at the same age of 24. You can ask me anything if you need help." Jimin offered, hokding out his hand for a high-five. But Taehyung took a few seconds to register what that meant, before returning the high-five to Jimin. The silver haired mam cracked a smile before silently cheering.

"Hey fellas." Seokjin greeted, waving. Yoongi stepped forward and gave a curt nod. The taller man closed his door with his foot and walked towards Namjoon, leaning against his desk. "What's with the meeting? A new mission to assign?"

Kim Seokjin, the assasin that seemed pretty and charming, with the charming smile, thick lips and broad shoulders. You would not be that on guard when he just comes up to you and flirt till there's no end, until he wrenched a knife in your gut or poisons your drink. Other than that, he is a nice guy.

Taehyung looked at his boss who was typing on his computer, pushing up his glasses, he stood up and pressed a button on his computer, a screen popped up at the wall in front of Namjoon. The man shifted things around until he got to a map which has a dot smack right in the middle.

"The red dot marks the base that we have been searching for the past month. We have to take it down no matter what. My agents reported that the base holds information that deems dangerous, a supercomputer so it seems. Cipher members will be there and-" Namjoon was cut short.

Taehyung ran up to him and slammed his hand on his table, Seokjin was jolted up and shot a playful glare at the brunette. "Cipher... Cipher is still in the world?!" Taehyung demanded. "70 years ago, I destroyed its leader at the important influencers, how are they still out there?!"

"A cult never dies out Taehyung, someone must have gotten their hands on some important documents after you were asleep. It is not your fault, your mission now is to get rid of a base and get whatever we need to assign your team another mission." Namjoon reassured. Taehyung retreated a little, before sighing and turning his attention back to the screen. Namjoon pulled up some other files onto the screen. They were pictures of men he did not recognize at all.

"Those are the men that were deemed dangerous and a member of Cipher," Namjoon explained. Taehyung's heart raced, he furrowed his eyebrows and he tapped his booted foot on the marble ground. " You will be given a plane at the airport tomorrow morning at 5. Do not be late and good luck."

"5? I barely slept a wink last night," Yoongi grumbled, folding his arms and muttered some curses under his breath. He yawned loudly and continued muttering until Taehyung decided to kick him in the shin for being a complaining king. "What? I was the one who designed your weapons, be god damned grateful. Did I mention that also thawed you out of your little icy block too?!"

"Uh... Thanks, Yoongi." Taehyung replied, sticking out his hand, offering a handshake, but Yoongi just slapped it away. However, a flash of glee could be seen on grumpy mna's face before he puts on his I-don't-care-for-you demeanor again. One by one, the members walked out of the office, Jimin dragging Taehyung along as he dashed down the staircase. Taehyung suppressed the urge to scream out loud as he was flying down the stairs, figuratively and literally at the same time. The walls were becoming a blur as Jimin held onto Taehyung's wrist and running down from the very top floor to the first.

Once they were down, Taehyung was gushing with adrenaline. He definitely would not be able to visit the museum all sweaty and panting. His body was jittering, as he tried to walk. Jimin teased him about it, but still helped his friend out when he threatened to fall flat onto the ground. Slowly, the adrenaline wore off and Taehyung got out of the building, ready to get into warmer clothes and visit the museum dedicated to him and his friend... Jeon Jung Kook.

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