Chapter 3

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Early in the morning, the sun was not up yet but the airport was bustling with people. Tourists and staffs were walking around busily. Taehyung carried his shield behind his back, he was all decked out in gear. He tightened the straps on his gloves and arm guards before turning and waiting for the rest of his members. Seokjin appeared with a motherly smile and two guns strapped on his hips.

He had especially combed his hair with style. His blonde hair pushed to one side and his uniform was unzipped near the collarbone, Seokjin folded his arms as Jimin swooped in and Hoseok appeared next to him. Yoongi came in trotting with a bag pack strapped onto his shoulder.

"Namjoon said to carry as little gear as possible, what's up with your bag?" Hoseok commented, pointing at the grumpy man's bag. Yoongi scowled and just flipped Hoseok off, the other man had his hand over his chest in mock offend. But he laughed it off like it was nothing. Taehyung checked the time on his watch, and the number 5 was approaching quickly. Taehyung motioned to his team and they approached the plane hangars, the brunette was leading the team behind him.

As they came closer to the black plane at the ned of the airport hangar, Jimin got too excited and ran up towards it, it came into the view, the black jet was definitely powerful with slick black wings and head. Taehyung got towards his friend, whose eyes were as big as saucers when he saw the jet's belly and body.

"Come on Jimin. You don't want the others to wait, do you?" Taehyung joked, dragging Jimin by the back collar of his shirt and boarded the plane like the other had. Taehyung took a seat beside Hoseok who was chatting animatedly with Yoongi. Seokjin was busy operating the plane, flicking multiple switches on the control panels, throwing holographic screens around him.

Taehyung bent forward, his elbows resting on his thighs and supporting his face with his hands. He furrowed his eyebrows as the thought of him flying on a jet terrified him. He never told anyone about it, this fear that somehow traumatized him even further of his messy life. Maybe Hoseok knew about it somehow, going into his mind when he was not noticing. Taehyung rubbed his face to distract himself as the jet took off, the pressure pushing against his chest, Seokjin was trying his best to avoid the plane from moving as they were in the air. Yoongi slipped off his bag and began jotting down things on whatever he could find, on his palm, scrap paper. Taehyung was trying to avoid the happy chattering between Hoseok and Jimin and went towards Seokjin.

The assassin pushed a button on the control button and a robotic voice said something, but Taehyung did not really catch it. He steadied himself with the ceiling and peered at Seokjin's screens. He was clicking and pinpointing on the maps, red dots painted the screen. Taehyung looked at it and pointed at the black dot on one of the bigger screens. "Germany." He spoke.

"That's where we are going. It's where the base was." Seokjin replied, swiping a screen away from his view. It slid to the left and bounced off another. "What's wrong?" He asked, turning and tilting his head.

"I...I feel that going there makes me... makes me remember things I don;t want to remember." Taehyung sighed, breaking eye contact with the assassin. "You know me, I try to help but..."

"You can do it. You get a chance to get rid of Cipher bases and..." Seokjin paused and took a deep breath. "You can go through this ... and I will help you to go through it. You are not alone, that's why the team is here for you." Seokjin pushed his blonde hair back.

"Thanks..." Taehyung said, breaking into a small smile. He kept a look out for threats near the windows. Seokjin returned scanning screens and manning the plane whilst Taehyung peered out of the viewing window. He squinted his eyes as the fog clouded over the window.

Taehyung grabbed for his shield when a black silhouette drove closer to then. He detached it from his back and held it on his hand, his hand balling up to a fist when the silhouette grew bigger and bigger. "It's not stopping." Taehyung said, pulling Seokjin behind him. He placed his shield in front of him and backed away from the glass window.

"Get ready." Yoongi ordered, putting on something robotic. Taehyung peeked over his shield he was hiding behind it and there was a moment of silence that you can hear to pin drop. Taehyung felt the gush of his blood running to his mind and the soft sounding of breathing from his other teammates.

The pause was gone as the glass breaks and shatters, spewing glass shards everywhere in the jet. Taehyung ducked behind his senior as he could hear glass shards rebounding off his shield. He saw grappling hooks hooking into the jet and went towards it, hitting his shield as the wires. He drove some of the wires away, but it wasn't enough. The jet was going to dive head first into hard ground. Based on the maps located near him, they were close to Germany.

"Control the plane! Those who can maneuver in the air, stop that plane!" Taehyung ordered, peering behind his shoulder. Yoongi and Hoseok nodded, pulling open the door where wind buffeted everyone in the face, the duo had their swept to the side and Hoseok had golden light circling around him, his way to travel and Yoongi wore something that Taehyung had never seen before.

It was made of metal, covering Yoongi's hands and legs like a suit. But it looked half made, exposing his body to injuries. Taehyung was about to say something but Hoseok and Yoongi took off, going towards the plane. Seokjin went to man the control panel, turning off auto pocket and tried his very best to pull the plane backwards and avoiding the enemy as much as possible. Taehyung went on got rid of those who were climbing towards them. Wind ripping through his hair, making his eyes sting.

He raised his shield and knocked out someone advancing towards them. He had a gun on his hand and a mask over his head, Jimin was keeping guard in the door, punching and kicking those who snuck up on them on their back. Seokjin was struggling to keep the plane from crashing.

"The controls aren't working!" Seokjin lamented. "We have no choice but to crash!"

"What about those below us?!" Taehyung screamed can hitting his shield onto the broken pieces of glass that was threatening to break off. "There are innocent civilians! We cannot just crash down there!"

"Then where do you want to crash?!" Seokjin shouted, his fingers flying across the control panels, wind was ripping through his hair and face, Taehyung tried to think and finally called back Hoseok and Yoongi, who returned quickly.

"We cannot risk hurting any civilians below us. We will crash at sea, get Jimin and Seokjin, I'll protect myself." Taehyung ordered. He escorted them to the air until he was left alone on jet. He climbed towards the control panel and destroyed the switched, smashing his shield into the metal. Electricity circulated through the metal and reached his arm. He gritted his teeth as he could feel the electricity circulating through his veins. His leg shook as the palne tip its head forward and began spiralling down into wherever they were.

Taehyung went towards the door and placed his sheild in front of his before jumping out and felt the cold wind cutting through his skin. He was not very fond of the cold wind zipping past his ear, the clouds and fog blocking his mission as he tried his best to locate his surroundings. Once the fog as cleared, he found himself diving head first into the cold water, he saw the white frothy waves lapping over each other. He could not see his other teammates anywhere. His eyes were stinging with tears. Once he could see the lones in the water, he balled his body up and tried to cover as much of his body with the shield. He curled up agaisnt the now ice cold metal and braced himself for the sharp sting of the water.

He counted in his head, his heart pounding in his ears, however, he never recieved the impact. He peeked out, only to see himself hovering a few meters above the sea water. He looked around and saw Hoseok holding him in place. Gold light seeping through his fingers, he pulled Taehyung towards them and the soldier slumped to the ground, breathing a sigh of relief. He was slightly scared by the fact that he was plummeting to the ground at such a high rate, it was like parachuting, without the parachute.

"You owe me old man." Hoseok joked, extending his arm to pull Taehyung up. Taehyung grabbed it and nodded.

SOLDIER // VKOOKNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ