"Okay boys. I have a surprise. View it as a reward of your hard work during the last few weeks." He ushered us into the two vans, we scrambled in, not being able to choose our seats. I ended up in the front row between Vernon and Hoshi.

I fidgeted a little. I never had an actual conversation with Vernon and Hoshi, not counting the time he bumped into me on his way to the bathroom. I turned around, trying to catch Dino's eye, who was sitting in the back. He wriggled his eyebrows and made a face. I rolled my eyes.

I looked at Vernon in the corner of my eye. He seemed fidgety as well. I read somewhere that he was the shyest member. I guess that was true.

Soonyoung, on the other hand, was lively and a little too loud. He started singing, probably from too much sushi. He made me sing along. "Come on. Don't be nervous."

Easy for him to say. I have the worst vocal skills in this whole van, except for the driver. No, wait. Even the driver was probably better than me. I sang softly at first, but Soonyoung made me sing louder. "I can't hear your pretty voice!" He yelled, pulling at his ears.

I sang louder. They were probably going to stop me soon anyway.

But they didn't. Hoshi and I sang, as Vernon and Dino joined in on the rap. Jeonghan clapped along, leaning lazily back in his seat. Woozi hummed, his soft voice carrying the tune.

The driver pulled to a stop. I also ceased my singing and took a deep breath. Vernon gave me a grin. "Hey. That was pretty good."

It was?

"Yeah." Hoshi slapped me on the back. "Way to go, Yenling. You've got a pretty good voice."

Dino stood and leaned forward, rapping me playfully on the side of the head. "I thought you said you were horrible at everything."

"But..." I said, "To me, my voice sounds weird."

Jeonghan stretched, and stepped off the van. "Princess, if you compare your voice to ours, of course you'd think you're lacking in something. But your voice is good. Have a little more confidence." He turned slowly in a circle. "By the way, where are we?"

Woozi jumped off, and helped the rest get out. The other van was a few feet ahead of us, the boys spilling out and onto the sidewalk. Dino surveyed the building ahead of us. "Oh." His eyes lit up. "Yenling, we're going paint balling."

Hoshi leapt into the air and let out a whoop. "Hell yeah! I'm so good at this."

Seungkwan sauntered over, smirking. "Soonyoung, I challenge you to a duel."

"Bring it on!"

The manager cleared his throat and stepped in front of the boys. "As you can see, we are going to play paintball. Have fun, boys. And be careful. Don't get hurt."

The boys said thank you in unison, and they rushed into the building. Under the instructions of the instructor, we put on the safety helmets. I could barely see anyone's face.

Then we were put in two teams. The Reds and yellows. I was in the red team, and someone was appointed captain. I squinted at his face. It was Minghao. He looked excited.

"Okay, team, take off your helmets first. So I can get a good look at you." He said.

I took of mine and looked around. Dino was besides me. He threw his arm across my shoulder. "Hey, Wang. Looks like we're in the same team."

My I ➵ Seventeen - junhuiWhere stories live. Discover now