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Another chap ,am sure you must be wondering how am updating one after the other but hey its holiday so there's plenty of time ,so chill and enjoy migos :D

Asia's POV:

I reached the terrace and I was shocked .The whole place was decorated and there were was a big board decorated beautifully saying 'welcome back Asiya aka scarfy' must he add the scarfy word but anyways it was looking awesome . Then all of a sudden people started saying welcome back together and they started giving me gifts .'owwk ,I don't think its my birthday or something to be given gifts but nevertheless I being me just took the gifts ,'. Then I heard Mr arrogant on the stage and asking for everybody's attention. He started saying how he was glad having me back in office and all that stuff . I wondered why he's doing all this for me . "uhmm... he doenst do all this for his employees usually unless they are special to him," Sara said . "pshht ,come on dude, me and special ,I don't think so ,maybe he's just doing that so that I don't resign for all that he's done to me or maybe he's obliged to do it ," I said to her. "Honey I don't think so ,and besides what will he gain by doing that for you because he's obliged or something and if you resign he's gonna get millions of secretaries at blink of his eye ,so think and think ," she said . I started to think why he's doing that . people were enjoying themselves when all of a sudden it started to rain . Everyone started to run inside . I didn't run ,instead I started playing with the rain and I closed my eyes and felt the rain dropping on my body . I was enjoying it when all of a sudden I heard "you look more beautiful when you are getting drenched in the rain." I opened my eyes and saw Mr arrogant in front of me  smiling.  I widened my eyes and made an 'o' shape with my mouth. He chuckled and said "everything you do is beautiful ."  "owwk ,Mr Salvatore are you becoming mental or are you sick ,do u have flu or something?" I asked him. He came closer and knelt in front of me . "am not mental or sick ,its just that I have fallen deeply in.....," he said . I looked at him and asked him "deep in what?" He looked down and said "I have fallen in love with you and I don't know how or when ,I tried hard to run away from these feelings but I couldn't deny it for long ,its this heart of mine which is too stubborn to have feelings for you."

"Asiya I have never felt this way before

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"Asiya I have never felt this way before ... I have never been happy to see someones face before yours ....I have never been troubled by someone's image like the way I have been troubled by yours .... I see you everywhere... I have even converted to your religion because I knew that your religion woludnt allow me to be with you ....so Asiya would you be my scarfy in a bond for lifetime and keep on showering me with the your cute faces that you make everyday when I say something to you and make me the happiest person on the nine planets ," he said chuckling . "see you have also made me cheesey by your company." To say that I was shocked would be underestimation. I was speechless for the first time in my lifetime. My mind wasnt functioning at all so I did the thing that I could at that moment and that was running away from there .

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