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That's Damien's sister above

Asia's POV:

I reached home at seven in the evening. My mom was sitting in the sitting room listening to news.  I went to her and said my salaams.  After that I went upstairs and directly into the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and took a soothing shower. I scrubbed my body wherever he touched. I wrapped a towel around myself and came out of the bathroom.  I remembered the events of today. I felt disgusted thinking about it.  My phone beeped and I took it and checked it. I received a text message from unknown number. "you look sexy wearing that towel of yours "I was shocked. I checked around and saw that one of my windows was open. I went and closed it. I thought that someone was playing a prank on me hence I didn't take the message seriously. I switched off the lights and read Dua and slept with my towel. I wasn't praying as I was in my special time of the month.
I reached the office early because I didn't want to come face to face with that jerk. I started to finish up my pending work when I heard someone entering in my office.  I looked up to see the woman that saved me yesterday from the devil aka jerk.  She came and sat in front of me. I looked at her in confusion. "hey am Maria, Damien's sister "she said.  So she's the jerk sister ."can I ask you something?"she said with a smile on her face. I told her why not as I took the glass of water and started to drink . "are you dating my lil bro "she  said. I spat the water I was drinking and said "what! Me and that beast, never ever in my wildest dreams "and then I realized what it did. I looked at the girl and said sorry and put my hands on my face and started saying weird things. I heard someone laughing and I was shocked to see that it was Maria laughing. "you are very funny "she said between laughter "oh my god that was hilarious " I smiled awkwardly at her ."what's your name?" she asked me. "Asia "I told her. "well Asia it's too weird I mean aren't you drooling over my brother,i mean doesn't he appear handsome to you and all, that's what all the girls say. " "nkt handsome and the jerk, those two words can't be brought together in a sentence"i said to her.  She looked at me. "oops am sorry I didn't mean that "I started to explain to her. "it's alright I know my baby bro can be an asshole sometimes"she said. We talked for sometime and then she left inviting me for her bachelorate party that she has as she's going to get married soon. I refused but she threatened me that she will kill me and she said that it was girls party so no worries for men to be there and that I should wear something sexy. There was a lot of difference between her and her brother. she was all jolly and polite and her brother was rude and a beast.   I got back to work as I knew there was a lot of work today. I just prayed to God to protect me from that jerk beast.

      The day went in a blur and I didn't see the jerk beast. I thanked God and went home. As I was walking I felt like someone was behind me. The road was creepy and I was alone. I hugged myself and started walking home. I  felt like someone is watching me. I read some dua and reached home finally.

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