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Olaa am here again with another chap ...listen to that song which is one of my favourite while you are reading and sit back and enjoy  ....;D

Asia's POV:

Mr arrogant took me home that day and he told me not to come to work for a whole week and you know what my holiday has come to an end. Tomorrow am reporting back to work since its Monday . since the day I was saved from that phsyco ,Mr arrogant has been texting me and asking about how I am and telling me not to go out alone. At first it was really weird because 'hello not everyone got to be cared for by their bosses 'but now am used to it coz it has been a week since he started that and I kinda like it 'like seriously Asia ,you got to get hold of yourself ,I think you have become phsyco since you were kidnapped by that phsyco ,but he was handsome, if he would have married me ,I would have cute kids .....Waite a minute ,did I just wished to be married to a phsyco ...Audhubillah' I said to myself. As I lost in my thoughts I heard the beep sound of my phone which means I got a text. I opened my phone and checked the message .It was from Mr arrogant and it said 'can't Waite to see you tomorrow...... there's a surprise for you take care and lo...I mean night .' I was wondering what was the surprise and what did he mean by 'lo' .I drifted to sleep while thinking about what Mr arrogant said. I woke up by the alarm near my bedside .I got up and started getting ready for work . After one hour ,I was in office .I greeted Sara and she gave me a sheepish look and a smile which said 'hey she's hiding something' but I ignored it . I went upstairs and opened the door to my office. As soon as I opened the door a note fell on my feet .I took the note and it said 'come upstairs to the roof ,' I was shocked and wondered what was it about but I just let it slide and headed off for the terrace . 'yow yow whoever you are ,here I came ,'I said as I went off dramatically by opening my arms

Damiens POV:

Her image was fixed on my mind .she couldn't let me sleep in peace ,eat in peace or shower or do anything. Even when am at work I just keep thinking of her . My friend told me that those were the signs of love .At first I couldn't believe it but now I have started believing it coz am just having her thoughts every time. I planned a surprise party for her and then I want to express my feelings to her after the party .I know she doesn't feel the same about me or she does , I don't know. And you know I converted to Islam and am trying to learn its ways  .'' Ah ,scarfy ,what other things will you make me do ..."  I said to myself. Now I am waiting for her to come on the terrace and tell her how much I want her .

So guys that's it ...he finally accepted he has feelings for her ....what do you think she will do ....how will she react after Damien expresses his feelings

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