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Hafsa POV:

     After stepping on that idiot I got out of the elevator and started walking towards the Mr Salvatore office. When I reached it I started sweating and getting nervous. I was worried whether am going to be accepted or not. After rubbing my sweating hands I read some duas and knocked on it. After knocking it twice I heard come in.  I went inside and saw that the office was big and when I say big I mean biggie big. The windows were tall and you could get a view of NY City from up here.
          There was a table in the middle of the room and two chairs which were of high quality leather. The room was painted black and Royal blue. I thought about how this things cost a fortune. While I was in the middle of checking out the office I didn't notice the person who was looking at me. When I saw who the person was to say I was shocked was little.  It was the jerk himself standing there with glory. "hey what are you doing here,i thought this office belonged to Mr Salvatore,"I said to him. He chuckled and said "well miss feisty sorry to break the news to you but am Mr Salvatore."  I was taken aback. My jaw was touching the ground. "close your mouth before it becomes the habitat of flies."
        I closed my mouth and cleared my throat. I didn't know what to say or do. I mean the man whom I abused and stepped on is the owner of this place. But he deserved that for what he did I mean he pulled up a bad stunt for splashing mud on me. I was ready for the consequences even if it means apologizing to him coz I needed the job man.

Damien's POV:
     Today, I was going to interview a new member in my company but I didn't know it was her. She was also shocked as there was shock written on her face. Her Jaw was literally on the floor and she was nervous. I liked that coz It was worth seeing it. I told her to close her mouth and she did that. She started rubbing off the sweat on her face and looked around. I was amused by what she was doing.
       Since she's here I thought it's time to show her place. "sit down?" I ordered her. She sat down immediately and I smirked.  I sat down on the table in front of her.  She moved her chair back. Trying to act shy. "Stay put ,"I told her and pulled her chair back to where it was. I then leaned to her face and she moved her head back and was muttering something under her breath. She was looking cute. What cute, are you for real. She's just like the other sluts who throw themselves on you for money.
      "what makes you think that you will get this job? "I asked her to check her confidence. "Because am qualified for this job."she said. OK she got some confidence well let's see how far she goes. I asked more questions and she answered them very well. I stood up from the table and went around her and then told her in her ear suddenly that she got the job.  She stood up and muttered something and started jumping around. She stopped when she realized what she was doing and said 'thank you '." You can start tomorrow "I told her and she went out running but not before falling down. 'clumsy ' I thought. It's gonna be fun working with her.' What fun' I think I still got hangover. I better drink my black coffee before I go crazy with this hangover.

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