"It is if you've got nothing to lose." Andrea said.

I rolled my eyes. Breaking your thumbs isn't an easy task. We would hear him scream for instance. Why isn't anyone thinking about those aspects of it?

I must be smarter than them which, unfortunately, doesn't mean much considering they don't listen to me.

"The door was secured from the outside." Hershel pointed out.

I furrowed my eyebrows. This was an impossible task to achieve. He couldn't have done it alone. No, he had help from the outside. A thought that made all of this ten times worse.

"Rick! Rick!" Shane shouted.

He showed up out of the woods limping a little bit. My eyes narrowed at his bloody nose. I think it's broken or something. That might be an improvement for him though.

"What happened?" Lori shouted.

It doesn't take an intelligent person to figure it out. Shane is pulling the strings here. How or why, I don't know. It's not like it matters, no one would believe me anyways.

"He's armed. He's got my gun." Shane said.

I scoffed at his words. Well, that's convenient. That scrawny kid didn't have a chance against him. And now I'm supposed to believe he overpowered him? These people need a reality check.

"You okay?" Carl asked.

Oh he's fine. I'm surprised by the lengths he would go to just to get rid of Randall. The kid is an annoying piece of shit, but he hasn't done any harm. Hell, I voted for killing him, but that doesn't mean I'd go out of my way to do it.

"I'm fine. The little bastard just snuck up on me, clogged me in the face." Shane explained.

Because that's so believable. A scrawny teenager snuck up on a highly trained deputy while also magically escaping his cuffs. Am I the only one with a brain around here? Unfortunately for Randall, I couldn't care less about him.

"Alright. Hershel, T-Dog, get everybody back in the house. Glenn, Daryl come with us." Rick ordered.

Wait, I get pushed to the sidelines? I've got more of a brain than all of them combined, no offense and all. A part of me wanted to protest, but why did I even care? It's their problem now.

"T, I'm gonna need that gun." Shane said.

Of course he is. That way he'll finally be able to kill Randall. I wanted to tell Rick about my hunch, but I also want this Randall problem to be over. Letting it play out may be the only way for it to end.

"Just let him go. That was the plan, wasn't it? Just let him go?" Carol asked.

If that was the plan, we would've done it already. Randall now has an advantage whether we find him or not.

If we find him, he could be waiting for us in an ambush. If we don't, he could find his people and bring them to kill us all.

"The plan was to cut him loose far away from here, not on our front step with a gun." Rick retorted.

I watched as he turned to the woods and headed there. So we're just supposed to wait until they fix all of our problems? I don't feel like I'm third in command, all I feel is left out.

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