"How sure am I that as soon you have your gun in hand your won't find around and shoot me?" he asked.

A smirk made its way onto my face "You don't" Yungs face seemed to drop at the realization that I spoke the truth there was no guarantee that I wouldn’t turn around and shoot him right were he stood. 

The guard hesitantly looked between Yung and me trying to make out the best decision, Yung gave a small nod of his head as I waited patiently. Slowly he placed the gun in my right hand, with the case in my left I began walking down the steps. 

You could hear Yung let out a breath of relief that I hadn’t shot him. If I were him I wouldn’t get too comfortable he had to pass my test before getting the all clear. Into the hallway I made my way out in the lobby to be greeted by the two guards that had first escorted me in. 

There bodies visibly tensed up when they noticed my presence the grip on the guns tightened even by just a fraction. They relaxed once they saw Yung was behind me still in one piece, with that all of us made our way out of the theater.

“What exactly is this test that you feel needs to be done? I don’t understand why you would doubt the product I would present you with Havoc. It’s as if you don’t trust me.” He stated with an attitude

Looking him “It’s simple I’m going to test out one of the explosives I want to see the quality of the product that I’m paying for.” I said ignoring the rest of his banter: I saw no reason to have to explain myself to him.

Walking to the car I placed the case on the trunk, making my way to the passenger side of the car I opened the door reaching into the glove compartment there was a small back case. It was the size of Stephenie Meyers Twilight-Breaking Dawn book.

Taking it out I placed the case next to the other one on the trunk of the car, opening the smaller one there was a small detonator along with a wired electric charge box. Opening the silver case I carefully took out one of the compact explosives.

I placed the charge box on the explosives connecting the wires, it made a beeping noise that told me the explosive had been activated and was ready.  Looking to Yung I held out the explosive in my hand “Send one of your guards in to place it the hallway leading up to the actual theater” I said sternly.

Yung and his men were staring at me in bewilderment and if I had spoken to them in gibberish it irritated me. “Do it or else I will throw it at you a detonate it and have you all blown to pieces” I said angrily. 

One of them scurried towards me both hands held out like a child about to receive candy. Placing it in his hands I looked him in the eyes “I would make this quick I tend to a little trigger happy” I said with a smirk on my face.

His eyes grew wide taking a few slow steps back words before he made a dash like a mad man into the theater. Closing all the cases I placed them on the ground, opening the trunk I placed them in the container hidden underneath the carpet. 

Opening the duffel bag I counted the money to make sure it was all in order, these explosives weren’t coming cheap that’s for sure. The way I saw it though was it was going to a good cause so the price didn’t matter. 

Yung’s guard was running back out of the theater with wailing arms he looked completely ridiculous I raised my eyebrow at sight. 

“Okay it’s in place” he said in short breaths looking over his shoulder, I gave him a nod of approval.

“Well before I say we step on back wouldn’t want any accidents now would we” I said in more of a sarcastic statement. Getting into the car I reversed out almost onto the road, you could never be to sure what a safe distance could be when it comes to explosives. 

With all of us at a safe distance we stepped out of our vehicles the detonator in my hand. The detonator will send out and electric current to the charge on the explosive which will then activate and set off the explosive. 

I turned on the detonator and gave a small countdown in my head once I hit zero I pushed down on the button, it beeped in compliance. The ground shook beneath my feet as the building in front of me gave way, the first floor blew out within seconds and the top of the building came falling right after.

I had to admit I was impressed in a matter of seconds a small building had gone down right before my eyes, looking at Yung I nodded in approval. “Well done Yung, you’ve passed” I said.

Opening the trunk I took out the duffel bag before closing it shut once again, I handed over the bag to Yung were he looked closely over the money. “Seventeen-Thousand dollars just like you asked: fifteen-thousand for the actual product and two-thousand for the labor.” I said 

Yung nodded “Yes that was the agreement it was a pleasure doing business with you Havoc as always” he said before walking away. Yung left leaving me as the last to leave, but that was just the way I liked it. I got in the car and left as I made my way to the next meeting.

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