Chapter 22

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The last night of smiles, laughter & tears.

The next morning I help Kristen, Todd, Jason and Scotty set up for the party. Todd is filming his very last vlog before he quits youtube.

"Hey guys, as you know this is going to be my very last vlog, I don't like to disappoint you guys but I have a baby on the way and other things to tend to, I hope you guys understand and enjoy this last vlog" he says as he gets slightly choked up

I didn't know why Todd was quitting YouTube so soon when he has 5 more years if he's lucky, I don't question him that much though because I just want him to be happy.

"Guys I'm going to film some more stuff in my room, gimme 30 mins" Todd says before going into his room

"Okay we'll call you out when everyone's here" I tell him

One by one everyone started showing up, and we went out by the pool & hot tub to relax and have a couple of drinks

I look over my shoulder when I hear Todd call Scott inside to talk to him, when they went inside I followed closely behind. I watched through the crack in Todd's door as he handed Scott an envelope before hugging him and bursting into tears, suspecting they were going to come back out I ran outside to join everyone again.

I sat at the edge of the pool by myself for a while and watched everyone smiling, laughing and just having a good time. I imagined what it's going to be like when Todd's gone and that pain is just too much to bare, but I'm going to have to do it.

I feel an arm warm around me then a kiss on my cheek, I turn my face towards him and smile. His eyes meet mine and he leans in pressing his lips on mine.

All of a sudden we're both in the pool and everyone's laughing, I look over to see David with his camera out laughing

"Boom" David says

"You just got pranked" Liza jokes laughing with David

Todd and I get out of the pools and dry off, we all sit around the pool just like we did with my first night back.

I stood up getting everyone's attention before I spilled the news.

"So as many of you guys know, Todd and I went to Miami for a reason that's going to be hard for Todd to tell you." I say exhaling sharply "but on the brighter side... I'm pregnant!"

Everyone got up and started cheering and dancing, Kristen ran up and gave me a giant hug as I began to cry happy tears.

When everyone settled Todd stood up alone for his time to talk, his smile faded and sadness filled his eyes.

"Okay guys, I uhh I don't know how to tell you but Its as simple as I'm dying" Todd says looking at his feet "but only Scott knows this next part, this morning around 2 I woke up not being able to breathe, Scott took me to emerge and today could quite possibly be my last day."

My heart shattered as his sentence ended, I look up to see everyone crying especially Todd, I stood up and hugged him as tight as I could to stop myself from screaming but it still slipped. Todd lifted me into his arms and just held me, he apologized a million times trying to calm me down but I thought I had more time with him.

The night ended with everyone in tears, we all were surprised by Todd's words telling us he could be gone tomorrow.

It's something we're going to have to face together.

Short chapter but next ones going to be the long final run
I hope you enjoyed! Xoxo
Next update will be the end of the book possibly followed by an epilogue.

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